Chapter thirty-three

147 8 0

october 31,2019

Jaehyuk's POV

After many days have past this is the final last trip we will have to go to this sem.

Mashiho:Yah!Jaehyuk!let's get in the bus

Me:Yeah coming!

I carried my stuffs and got in the bus.

It was crowded so at first I was struggle to find a seat.

Me:Yah I thought we have to sit in the back so we can sit together*i said sulking in front of Mashi and Kyu*

Junkyu:But this is a great spot!we'll sit later at the back

I have no choice so I nodded and took a unoccupied seat.

I plugged in my earphones then listen to some tunes,I later then close my eyes waiting for the bus to move,but later on I fell asleep.

Asahi's POV

I was checking my stuffs so that I can make sure that I didn't left anything behind.

Yedam:Asahi what are you doing? the bus will move now let's get inside.

I nodded as a response then checked my things for the last time then got in the bus.

I was kinda searching for Jae,but it doesn't seem like he's here.I gave up finding him then took an unoccupied space,btw Yedam is my seatmate.

I plugged in my earphones then listen to some tunes.

The bus was moving and right now I am listening to Let's fall in love for the night by finneas,this is a good song.

Jaehyuk's POV

"Let's fall in love for the night
And forget in the mornin'
Play me a song that you like~"

This song has been in my playlist for months and it doesn't get old,I really like this tho.

My place seem dark so I opened my curtain then suddenly the bus beside us opened the curtain too,the heck that was shocking,oh wait a minute I know him...Asahi?

Asahi's POV

I felt darkness in this area so I decided to open the curtain and saw Jae?

He waved at me so I wave back noticing that he has no seatmate.I messaged him so that we could understand each other.

Me:Your alone?

Jae:Yea Kyu and Mashiho sat together

Me:You should have told me so you would have a seatmate lol

Jae:I forgot it tho,anyways who are you seating with?

Me:Yedam,he has alot of snacks haha

Jae:Ooh I want one lol anyways look at the window

We both look at the window,he breath an air through it and formed a smiley face,I smiled then does the same.

Yedam:Asahi-yah are you ok?i'm scared for my self you're laughing there silently

Me:Oh shut up look here Jae is on the other side

Yedam:Oh really?!*he look at the window then waved*

Jae waved back,then I chatted him see you later so that I can eat some snacks.


We stopped by at the gas station so that we can go to the bathroom and bought some stuffs we need,but since I didn't need anything I lied my head then close my eyes instead.

Me:Oh my g- you scared me

Jaehyuk:Yah I came here just because and you're gonna tell i'm scary?hmm

Me:Lol anyways you'll seat here?

Jaehyuk:No I just stopped by I will go back again in our bus oh hey snacks

He picked up the lays then decided to eat it,this man looks like a hungry squirrel lol

Yedam:I just got out and you got a new seatmate hmp HAHA just kidding what's up Jae*sat in the arm chair*

Jaehyuk:I'm fine I guess?lol

Yedam:Where is Junkyu and Mashiho?

Jaehyuk:I don't know maybe they got out to buy or to go to the bathroom

Yedam got up and talked to Hyunsuk while me and Jae decided to eat some snacks.

Jaehyuk:Oh our bus is preparing to leave,i'll go now see ya later!

Me:See you
[hello everyone!how are y'all?hope you liked this chapter.Sorry if you encountered wrong grammars and typos.Stay safe and be healthy,thank you<3]

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