Chapter thirteen

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꒰ august 7,2019 ꒱

Asahi's POV

I dont want you near her cause I just hate it tch.

Jaehyuk:Since we have nothing to do here then let's study for the exams

I nodded and proceeded to get my book.

Jaehyuk:Oh uh hehe I didn't bring mine should we share?

I just nodded again and take notes at my desk.

An hour passed by and Jae as usual fell asleep why is he such a sleepy guy.

Me:Jae*pats his head*

He wont wake up so I patted his head again.Aish why won't this guy wake up.

Me:Jae wake up you'll have stiff neck there.

I went to my room to take a blanket since the temperature here is cold and just let Jaehyuk sleep.I looked at him while he's sleeping he's really cute lol,anyways what the hell am I saying i'll just continue studying.

Haruto's POV

I just finished my first class,since my friends have their own things to do then i'll study at the library,bad time the library was almost full,it makes sense cause exam was about to start.

Me:Mind if I sit?


I studied for 30 minutes and got tired of taking notes then I saw my seatmate writing some subject that I am unfamiliar with.

Someone:I might melt with you looking at me.

Me:Oh sorry I was just curious on what are you studying.

Someone:It's History subject

Me:Oh yeah I am too dumb to not think of that do you mind?Uh what is your name?

Someone:My name is Felix and you?*smiles brightly*

How can this guy be that cute nevermind i'm kinda cuter.


We smiled at each other and I said goodbye to get some food.

Jaehyuk's POV

I woke up then i smelled some great scent coming from Asahi's kitchen.

Me:Oh you can cook?!

Asahi:I just ordered this.

Me:Oh ok well bon appetit let's eat

We eat the food then played some kart rider.

Me:Can I sleep here I'm too lazy to go back home...

Asahi:Ok i'll sleep it the sofa

Me:NO!I mean no it's okay!I can sleep in the sofa

Asahi:Then we'll sleep both in the bed to stop arguing

Me:We're not arguing

Asahi:Then not.

Aish this man.

Me:Can I take a shower?

Asahi just nodded,oh gosh how am I suppose to change I didn't bring some uhm down clothing hehe

Me:Can we go buy some-

Asahi:You don't have underwear?I have new some at the cabinet you can get it

How does this man read my mind.

Me:Can I also borrow some clothes?

He just nodded and I proceeded to the bathroom

Me:Ahh so fresh *yawns* i'm sleepy

Asahi:As always

Me:Better not hug me like a pillow again cause I can't sleep.



Asahi just agreed that he will not hug me like a pillow look what he's doin right now sleeping while clinging on to me like a monkey,well then imma get used to it.

꒰ august 7,2019 ꒱

Asahi's POV

I woked up feeling that I was hugging a rock and something hard was hugging me too oh gosh it's Jaehyuk aish what time is it,nevermind our classes start in the afternoon since the teachers will go on a meeting this morning.

Jaehyuk:Why can't you be steady I'm trying to sleep.

Me:Hello you've been sleeping everytime.

I got up the bed and cook some foods for breakfast.

Jaehyuk:Oh what are you cooking it smells good my dear wife*smirks*

Me:What the hell,just prepare the table aish

Jaehyuk:You're acting like my wife LMAO aigoo

He looks more like a wife tsk wait what,uh no.


We finished breakfast and Jae decided to go home first and prepare his things for school while i'll just watch some series.

Junkyu's POV

Me:Mashi yah can we call yoshi

Mashiho:It's midnight there we'll call him later

Jeongwoo:When will yoshi go home I'm failing math huhu

Me:Aish stop anyways let's eat out

Mashiho:No we'll clean this dorm you two are so messy

Me:Hello?!Jeongwoo is the messy one huh

Jeongwoo:Excuse me?!

Mashiho:You two stop fighting like tom and jerry just fix some of your stuffs and i'll treat you foods

Jeongwoo:Ok Mom HAHA

[sorry for always updating so late my brain is lacking of ideas lmao i'll try to finish this story  before this year ends,hope you like my chapter 13:)feel free to suggest some scenes, sorry if you encounter wrong grammar and typos.Stay safe<3]

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