Chapter eleven

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꒰ august 6,2019 ꒱

Jaehyuk's POV

 I felt that the bus stops so I opened my eyes just to see Asahi leaning on me,this sleepy head.

Me:Yah wake up we're here at the station.

He rubs his eyes and we got out of the bus,we already got into his house and we sat down on his sofa.

Asahi:Do you wanna watch anything?

Me:it's up to you.

Asahi opened the tv and picked some movies to watch in netflix.He picked some action movie well kinda interesting.

The movie was about to end *yawns* aigoo it's only 1pm yet I'm already sleepy.I looked to Asahi and what do you expect he's sleeping again,he got the nerves huh well I got to his bedroom and get a blanket to cover him since the degree here is kinda low.I got up and get some water since my sleepy vibe got away hmm I'm curious about something but I can't really know what it is aigoo I'm kinda confused about myself.

Asahi's POV

I got up in the sofa since I'm awake,oh where is Jae.I went to the kitchen to drink some water,aish I gotta go to the bathroom.

Me:*opens the bathroom door*What the- why are you not locking the door.

Jaehyuk:Oh sh- aish get out first aigoo

Me:tch,lock the door next time it's embarrasing

He rolled his eyes and I got out lmao.

Me:You done?


I got inside the bathroom washed my face and got outside the living room.

Jaehyuk:So what are we gonna do now?it's so boring.

Me:Uh watch again?

Jaehyuk:We just watched aigoo,maybe I should go home now and prepare my things for school tommorow dont wanna miss out anything lmao

Me:Oh ok I guess bye

Jaehyuk:Want to come?

Me:It's up to you

Jaehyuk:Nevermind the house is messy anyways bye!

And he left,I lie down my bed and scroll to my phone until I fell asleep.

Jaehyuk's POV 

I got home and went to my room to fix my things aigoo I have to study chemistry I've been left out in the lesson lately 

Mom:Jae!come here!

Me:Yah wait a sec.

I heard laughs as I go down wait- 


Miyeon:Jae hyung-ah!it's been a long time!I miss you

Miyeon is my childhood friend we used to be neighbors back when i was grade 1,we're kina=da close those days.

Mom:Why don't you hang out,i'll treat you here Jae

Me:Oh no thanks mom I got my own money,Let's go to a park?

Miyeon:Oh yeah sure!

We waved bye to my mom and walked on the nearest park.

Miyeon:It's kinda akward omf im sorry

Me:Huh?Oh no aigoo how's school?

Miyeon:It's totes fine I made alot of friends and some boys have been courting me but you're my-


Miyeon:Oh?Nothing I sid boys have been courting me hehe

Me:Oh ok do you wanna get some ice cream?

Miyeon:Oh yeah sure!my treat;)

We got off in the nearest ice cream shop and walked for a while.We were mezmerizing the view here at the park.


*answers the phone*

Junkyu:Jae where are you let's hang out!

Me:Oh Miyeon's here

Junkyu:Oh your childhood friend!is that your crush huh wit wiw

Me:Shut up let's hangout at Mashi later

Junkyu:Mashi-yah!we'll go to your house later!


Me:I'll hang up now bye

*ends call*

Miyeon:May I guess are those junkyu mashiho and jeongwoo?


Miyeon:Let's hang out with them!God I miss those silly boys Lmao,is yoshi still in japan?

Me:Uhm yeah I don't now when will he come back but we'll see.

Miyeon:Oh ok 


Me:Oh Jihoon!why are y'all here?

Yedam:We toom some hotpot a while ago 

Jihoon:Oooh who is that,hey miss


Me:This is my childhood friend miyeon,miyeon this is jihoon and yedam who are you with?

Jihoon:Oh we were with the squad yedam where are they?

Yedam:I guess bathroom oh asahi!

Asahi:Oh Jae is here 

Junghwan:Hyung be faster

Hyunsuk:Wait a minute*breathes heavily*your legs are too long I can't catch up!

Jihoon:Aww poor baby Hyunsuk,anyways where is doyoung and haruto?

Junghwan:Oh yah where are they?

Haruto:I'm here

Jihoon:YAH!you scared me!

Haruto:You're overacting


Doyoung:Stop the childish fight,since we're all here let's go to the nearest mall

Miyeon:Uh me and Jaehyuk gotta go,Jae let's go

Me:Don't you wanna hang out?

Asahi:You two come with us.We're just going to the mall psh.

Miyeon was kinda out of the mood lately so I decided to go home with her.

Me:Sorry guys we gotta go,enjoy your hang out<3

Jihoon:Oh ok well I guess then bye!!

As we walked away Asahi seemed kinda mad lately,hmm what's wrong with him.


Miyeon:Thanks for bringing me home!Goodnight<3

Me:Uh hehe no problem,Goodbye.

Then I went home.





[Hi!hoped you liked chapter 11 thank you for reading,the miyeon name just popped out my head and it's just a random name girl and not related to any kpop idols hehe,sorry for always updating so late I've been busy with studies and have been lacking out of ideas and sorry also if you encounter typos and wrong grammars.Stay safe always<3]

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