Chapter two

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꒰ august 1 ,2019 ꒱

Asahi's POV

Me:I'm asahi.

Him:Oh that's a nice name tho well mine's Jaehyuk but inshort Jae.


Him:Too cold LOL

I just fixed my things so that he wont talked alot lmao it pissed me.

*me ready to go*

Him:Hey hey hey!where are you going wait for me!

Me:I'm going home.

Him:We can go h-home together?hehe

Me:Oh sure

A bit weird but I guess I'm weirder just kidding.


Him:So what are your plans?

Me:For what?

Him:Uhm for this scho- wait imma just answer this call

I just nodded and continued walking towards home with him or Jae I guess.


Jaehyuk's POV

Me:Uhm for this scho-

*phone rings*

Me:Wait imma just answer this call


*pressed the answer button*

mashiho:where are you jae we have been looking you all over the school.

me:oh sorry mashi I went out with my new classmate



mashiho:jeongwoo just snatch my phone I'm sorry lol but where are you?we'll pick u up

me:no need I can handle my self bye!!

*ends the call*

Me:Lol I'm sorry my friend Just called

Asahi:It's fine uhm I'm already here so bye?

Me:Oh yeah let's go at the school together tommorow!let me pick you up

Asahi:No need I'm fine

Me:Aigooo no need to be shy pls?

Asahi:Ok fine just pick me up bye 7am

Me:Oki bye!!

Lol he was such a serious man like he had no expression at all like a robot nvm I'm tired imma find a bus to go home.


꒰ august 2 ,2019꒱

Oh gosh what time is it *looks at the phone* oh good thing is only 6:13am or I will be late on going in the school with Asahi 



Asahi:Shh why are you so loud.

Me:Oh sorry,let's go?

Asahi:Let's ride my scooter


I hopped on his scooter then we drove away


Asahi:Aish traffic

Me:We can walk instead

Asahi:I will not push my scooter all the way there lol never this is too heavy

Me:I can help

Asahi:Let's just take some shortcut,hold on tight.

Me:Oka- whOoa *grabs on his waist*

Uhm ok a little bit akward but atlist I'm not gonna fall *yawns* aigoo I'm sleepy.

Asahi:Are you sleepy?

Me:Yeah I usually waked up at 7am but you let me waked up early tho

Asahi:I told you u shouldn't have to go with me well you can lean on my back.

I guess I have no choice since I'm sleepy*leans on his back then take a nap*


Asahi:Hey we're here*taps my head*

Jaehyuk:Oh yeah omo it looks like it's been an hour LMAO

And he just walked away and did not even say bye or see you next class,or maybe he is really like that

Junkyu:Hey Jae!!who is that guy ooh are you already a gay LOL


Jeongwoo:Oh really seems like you have a crush on that guy aww bromance LOL

Jae:Shut up jeongwoo nah I AM NOT A GAY

Mashiho:Can you please stop arguing let's go to our classes already

Jeongwoo:Ok bye gotta go to my english class,see yah guys!!

Mashiho:Well guess then goodbye to you two gotta go

Junkyu:Bye man have fun with your BROMANCE LMAO

Jae:Stop it tch bye.

The heck bromance?!lol I just got to school with a new friend and just ride his scooter BROMANCE?!,my friends are insane LMAO well except mashi tho never mind imma stop talking to myself in my mind I gotta go to class.

Asahi's POV

Yedam:Hey man!where have you been?

Me:Just got on school.

Doyoung:Well obviously he just got on SCHOOL with a man riding on his SCOOTER LMAO

Jihoon:who is that Asahi huh dating a boy hmm LMAO


Doyoung:Ok let's shut up guys he might get mad lol*says in a whisper*

Haruto:Hey guys am I late?

Jihoon:Yeah super,let's go already.

Haruto:Whatever btw where is hyunsuk hyung?

Yedam:He was already in class with Junghwan,they had the early class among us.

Haruto:Well too sad LMAO let's eat I'm hungry

Doyoung:But class start's at 8am and it's already 7:54am

Haruto:Nevermind let's just wait for class

Yedam:I'm with the same class with you as now let's go?

I just nodded and proceeds to our class.

[Hi!I hope you like my chapter two,again sorry if you encounter wrong grammars,stay safe and kamsa❤️by the way uhm that gay part has nothing to do with being offensive to the gays tbh i love gays:) so pls dont hate me for something about that:(]

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