Chapter sixteen

218 14 6

꒰ august 12,2019 ꒱

Jaehyuk's POV

*yawns* Ah time flies so fast it's morning already,where are they

Jeongwoo:Oh hyung-ah you are already awake Asahi Doyoung and Hyunsuk hyung went on a grocery

Me:Oh why?Asahi and I just went on a grocery a few days ago

Jeongwoo:Ooh like lovely dovely HAHA

Me:I just woke up dont make me write your name in a death note

Jeongwoo:Psh,anyways should we-Oh Asahi hyung you guys are back home so fast what did you buy?

Hyunsuk:We just bought some snacks come on let's eat 

Jeongwoo:*grabs the banana milk*

Asahi:Uh jeongwoo-yah it's for jae...

Jeongwoo:Oh so you two lovers really now each other aigoo so sweet

Mashiho:Jeongwoo can you please stop teasing someone just for a day my ears ah

Asahi:*gives me the bananamilk*

Me:Oh you remember my favorite!

Asahi:Yea*pats my head*drink well

Jeongwoo:Oh YAHOO!-

Mashiho:*covers Jeongwoo's mouth*shut up 

Asahi's POV

Jaehyuk:Oh you remember my favorite!

Me:Yea*pats jae's head*drink well

Hyunsuk:Oh are you ok Jae?Do you have fever?Your face is kinda red

Jeongwoo:He's just blush-

Mashiho:*covers Jeongwoo's mouth*there you go again

Jeongwoo:Aish Hyung-ah!stop covering my mouth!

Why did I pat his head what the hell it would be crazy if I said I didn't do that right?Aish my hand 

Doyoung:You guys want some drinks?

Haruto:A cola is enough 

Hyunsuk:Oh anyways where is Jihoon and Junkyu?Besides Jeongwoo they are the loud ones here

Mashiho:LMAO i know right

Jeongwoo:Yah hyung! 

Junghwan:Hyung is there any donuts in the snacks that you bought?

Me:Do you think there is donuts in a grocery?

Junghwan:Uhm any biscuits?

Me:Yeah just get it in the bag

Jihoon:Hello guys!

Haruto:Aigoo hyung!you scared me

Jihoon:Stop overacting

Hyunsuk:Where have you two been

Junkyu:We just walked outside since it's kinda interesting here

Jeongwoo:Since when you two have been close huh

Jihoon:I guess a while ago?HAHA

Mashiho:Oh your laugh is too loud I guess that's why you have been close with Junkyu so fast

Junkyu:Yah!are you telling me i'm loud?!

Mashiho:You said that

Jaehyuk:Stop you two 

Hyunsuk:Should we have lunch?

Junghwan:I'm in!

Jihoon:Let's go!

Me:Are you hungry?

Jaehyuk:To be honest yeah hehe

Me:Ok then let's go

Jaehyuk:Why are you holding my hand?

Me:Oh what?Ah I didn't notice uhm let's go?

Aish why did I do that it's kinda embarrasing.Jae just nodded and we left the apartment.





[Hello guys!hope you like my chapter 16 sorry for making it short cause i have reasons;),sorry too if you encounter wrong grammars and typos,Stay safe and be healthy:)]

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