Chapter 4

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"Where are you?" Maia's voice could be heard on the speaker in Eric's car while Jake was driving.

"We're going on a date" Jake announced.

"Yeah you're not welcome Maia" Eric said.

"Hey don't say that Eric" Jake said.

"Yeah Eric you won't refuse a pregnant woman who only wants muffins to come out with you" Maia whined.

"And then she'll puke on me because apparently her baby doesn't like muffins but she can't stop eating them" Eric complained.

"You asshole" Maia said, "please take me with you, Y/n's busy.. she isn't picking up her calls or I would've gone to her place"

Eric looked at Jake, who nodded.
"Ugh okay, come to the Turtle cafe" Eric told Maia.

Now Jake's phone rang, he picked it up;

"Hey Jakey" Liam said, while being on speaker.

"What's up Liam" Jake said.

"Y/n ditched me, I have no idea where she is.. she didn't even come to the canteen for lunch today" Liam said.

"That is why she isn't picking up your calls" Eric said, "all of you keep bothering my best friend"

"Oh hey Eric" Liam said, "don't you know where she is?"

"No idea" Eric said.

"Well, can I join you guys? Wherever you're going" Liam asked hopefully.

This time Jake looked at Eric, "yeah what the hell, our date's ruined anyway because of Maia" Eric said. He was the bluntest person ever.

"Shut up Eric" Jake said, "Turtle cafe" he told Liam and cut the call.

Maia reached the cafe, one hand on her back and her cheeks flushed because all the walking made her tired but Diego insisted she should continue exercising lightly.

"And you were making me feel bad about ruining your date" she exclaimed pointing to Liam as she sat down.

"It didn't help did it?" Eric said sinking back in his chair and sipping his cold coffee.

"Sometimes I wonder, why did I ever become your best friend" Maia said.

"Because I introduced you to BTS" Eric said.

"You still don't talk about BTS in front of y/n, do you?" Liam asked.

It was true, when Eric and Maia were alone only then they could talk about BTS, not that y/n said anything about it, but they knew she felt bad.
She hadn't cut off ties with BTS, she fangirled too, A LOT.. But she avoided talking about it with anyone. She still talked to Jungkook out of all the members.

"No, not really" Maia said.

"Anyway Liam, how's it going with the girl you were seeing?" Eric asked.

"Who are you talking about?" Liam asked, amused.

"The one you brought with you for our games night" Eric said.

"Oh, her..I just met her at the bar, then I remembered 'oh shit I have to be at Maia's and Diego's for Games night' so I got her with me" he said.

"How many girls are you gonna go out with before you tell y/n how you feel about her?" Maia asked.

"Dude what the fuck, how do you know?" Liam asked.

"Well, I didn't, now I do" Maia smirked, "it's not like you hide it or anything"

"You knew?" Liam asked Eric.

"I'm not stupid" Eric said, "plus you told the father of my child"

"I hate you Jake" Liam told Jake.

"Yeah fuck you too" Jake said.

"No but seriously, I think you might be good for y/n" Maia said.

"Maia, you literally found your own husband good for y/n" Eric said.

"Yeah so did you" Maia said.

"Well Diego was good for y/n,.. but then Jimin happened" Eric said.

"But Liam, I mean it.. y/n finds your company interesting.. you know her so well, you've been friends for pretty long now.. you understand her.. and on top of that, you're not hideous" Maia said.

"Jeez, thanks Maia, I'm so grateful that you don't find me hideous" Liam rolled his eyes.

"Are you serious about y/n though?" Jake asked Liam.

"I'm the most unserious person in life.. but honestly, when it comes to y/n, I'm ready to grow up" he said.

"That's my boy" Eric said, "exactly what I wanted to hear".

"Don't delay it then, ask her out" Jake said.

"She might not feel the same about you, yet" Maia said, "but I think she should get back in the dating field, or she'll kill herself with the overthinking.. I know she came to you yesterday"

"Are you some sort of detective or something?" Liam asked, finding this very funny.

"Yeah she is" Eric gave Maia a high five.

"No I'm not, I just know her too well." Maia said.

"So do you think I should tell her? I mean, ask her out?" Liam asked.

"Totally" Maia said.

"Yeah go for it" Jake said.

"Act mature though.. Jimin would be hard to beat.. she has her expectations set too high" Eric said.

They ate together and chatted about random topics when both Eric's and Maia's phone rang;

"It's y/n" Eric said.

"Oh she's alive" Maia said as they picked up.

"Are you guys busy?" Y/n asked.

"Nope" Eric said, "where have you been?"

"Can you come over to my place asap?" She asked.

"We're with Jake and Liam" Maia said.

"Oh even better, get them too.. and call Diego" she said.

"You're scaring me y/n" Maia said.

"Oh and make sure my mom is there too.. and Mia. I don't think I'll be able to tell this to everyone separately" she said.

"Dude what the fuck, elaborate!" Eric said.

"Ugh, just come over. Bye" she cut the call.

I'm a writing machine...

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