Chapter 37

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I'm gonna say it again.. MAKE SOME NOISE!!! 🥺❤️🌝
And we're telling Jimin in the next chapter.. I promise..

"Maia!" you exclaimed as soon as she picked up, "how are you?"

"Y/n, babe, we spoke to each other five hours back" she said.

"Okay so I'm not allowed to miss my best friend?" you asked.

"Aw, yes you are!! I miss you so much!!" she whined, "please come back!! I am so not used to staying away from you for this long..."

"Exactly!! It has been awfully long" you said, "the maximum time we've stayed apart ever since we were seven is when you went on that three weeks long trip with your parents.. god. I can't even tell you how tough it was then"

"Oh and do you remember how I cried when I saw you because you had gotten a haircut without telling me?" Maia said, "that was the worst day of my life.. I felt betrayed" she laughed.

"Yeah so I had to get you ice cream" you said, "because you were literally hitting me." And then both you you ended up laughing so hard.. It was nice.. thinking about old memories..

"Soooo, what's bothering you?" you asked.

She paused before answering, "nothing. Why would you ask?"

"Because I know it's not nothing" you said, "you're clearly upset"

"I swear I'm okay" she said, "or maybe I'm just missing you."

"I'm coming" you said, "two weeks and I'll be there. I wanna be with you for your delivery."

"I love you" she said, "but you really don't have to come."

"Shut up bitch. Yes I do.. I have to come or I'll lose my mind" you said, "I really need to see you guys or Seoul will strangle me. And I'll stay for two weeks at least.. The baby is due in three weeks right? I'll try to wrap up as much as I can here."

"Well in that case, I can't wait to meet you" she said.

"Me neither" you said.

"Oh my god!! I had to tell you this before but Taehyung distracted me!! You won't believe what picture I found on my phone today" she said, "I literally had nothing to do so I started looking at old pictures and this one cracked me up so bad." she giggled.

"What was it?" you were already laughing without even seeing it.. Maia's laugh was contagious.

"Wait. I'm gonna send it to you" she said, "the connection is bad so wait a few seconds"

"Yeah but what is it?" you asked.

"Do you remember the first time you went lingerie shopping for a sexy night?" she laughed again.

This time you laughed but your cheeks turned super red, thank god you sent Jungkook and Taehyung away..

"OH LORD! Okay that was one hell of a day.." you said, "dude don't send me that picture"

"Oops, too late" she said.

And sure enough your phone chimed and you saw that picture..


"Okay but can you like help me out a little? I don't know what to look for" you asked the employee at the shop.

"Yes of course ma'am, that is what we're here for" she said.

You were currently in New York, not really accompanying the boys for the tour but obviously being present for all the concerts. The tour was coming to an end. Even though you saw Jimin most of the time, it was impossible to take out any 'alone time'. So Eric suggested that you should definitely have sex with him to congratulate him for killing it in every concert.

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