Chapter 19

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"What's bothering you Jimin?" Taehyung asked for the millionth time.

"I said it's nothing" Jimin said, not looking at him.

"I've known you my entire life Jiminah, I know when something is wrong with you." He said in all seriousness, "I even get to know when you're sick.. we're literally one person" he turned towards him.

Jimin looked at him, he didn't want to bother Taehyung with his futile worries. He thought it was senseless and stupid because THAT could never happen. Right?

"I know I'm handsome but stop looking at me and tell me" Taehyung shook Jimin out of his thoughts.

"It's just-" Jimin sighed, "I don't know how to say this"

"You've never made sense anyway Jiminah" Taehyung said, "just blurt it out"

Jimin rolled his eyes, "I heard her voice.. on Jungkook's phone"


"Yes that and two days back when we were practicing.. he left his phone back and someone called 'mom2' rang , so I picked it up" Jimin said, "and I froze because it was her"

"That day too he said he was home with his parents and then his driver told my driver who told me that  he never went to Busan" Taehyung said, "but if it said mom 2, maybe it was his mom?" He suggested.

"Tae, that voice could literally resurrect me" Jimin held Taehyung's shoulders, "I would recognise it anywhere"

Taehyung just rolled his eyes at that.

"It was her" Jimin said.

"I did confront Jungkook" Taehyung said, "asked him if he had a girlfriend and visited her" he flinched when he said 'girlfriend'.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Jimin smirked at him.

"Shut up Jimin" Taehyung said, "but then Jungkook acted so weird.. I don't know what to make of it.. why didn't you confront him?"

"I can't, I don't know what to say" Jimin said.

"Let me do it" Taehyung said, "let me go through his phone or something"

"Don't be stupid" Jimin said.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Taehyung asked.

"We might find out that Jungkook is actually talking to y/n" Jimin said.

"I'm gonna do it, you can't stop me" Taehyung got up and almost left the room.

"Wait" Jimin said, "I'm coming along"

Taehyung and Jimin went to Jungkook's room which was not only open but also empty.

Jungkook was taking a shower, as Taehyung already suspected. He had left his phone on the side table and thankfully Jungkook hadn't changed his password since forever.

He had accidentally blurted it out in front of everyone while he was drunk.. since then everyone knew it but they never told him that they knew it.

They were as quiet as they could be, they searched through the messages and searched for y/n's name. Then Jimin remembered that it was probably saved as Mom2.

The quickly skimmed through the last chat, it would've seemed normal to anyone who didn't know y/n, but the amount of 'fuck off-s' used in one single conversation made of obvious that it was her.
They had spoken about how she finally made friends with some of her colleagues and now they see her more than their stuck up lead scientist.
Y/n had also mentioned something about how pineapple should not go on pizza. But then she said she had never tried it.
Jimin remembered asking her repeatedly to at least try it out. But she had always said it creeped her out.
But there was nothing in the texts that would suggest that y/n was here, in Seoul.

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