Chapter 34

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When you finally started developing interest in the movie, your phone started ringing.. It was then you realized that you hadn't opened your phone ever since you left the place without really completing the dare. And sure enough, Lily was calling;

"ugh" she groaned.

"Good morning to you too" you said.

"Oh you picked up. Thank Namjesus" she said.

"Well you called me.. so I guess I had to pick up" you said, "and why are you groaning?"

"First of all, you DO NOT PICK UP.. and when you do, I hear Kim Taehyung's voice and I know I was way too drunk but I literally fainted" she complained, "secondly, I'm groaning because I have a bad hangover"

"You should drink with caution" you said.

"Oh so you're gonna ignore my Kim Taehyung comment now?" she asked, "I mean, it would've been understandable had it been Jungkook but I know that V and you don't really talk to each other so please tell me why I could hear him?" she asked.

"Look, I'll be honest. I don't have the slightest clue.. I woke up to find Jungkook and Taehyung sleeping on my couch.. They haven't exactly woken up yet, so when they do, I'm really planning to ask them what exactly are they doing here" you said, "although I suspect they might be the ones who got me home. AND USED MY SPECIAL POST ITS"

"So you're telling me that The Kim Taehyung and The Jeon Jungkook are both inside your house, sleeping on your couch and you're worried about YOUR FUCKING POST ITS? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" she screamed and then coughed.

"You should avoid ice" you said, "and stop shouting at me.. I can't really shout back.. I don't think I'm ready to face Tae"

"You have no idea how lucky you are..." she sighed, "oh. HOW DID I NOT TELL YOU?"

"Tell me what?" you asked.

"The frenzy you caused when Yeonjun and Taehyun met you like long lost friends" she chuckled.

"Oh shit" you whispered, "I really shouldn't have gone to BigHit.."

"They literally rubbed their eyes.. Dr. Lewis wanted to take her eyeballs out, clean them and put them back" she said, "they couldn't believe it.. and then Dr. Park asked if they would meet everyone like that.. and started crying because he wanted to go there instead."

"Wow that's scary" you said, "what would I tell them now?"

"Tell whom what?" you heard Jungkook behind you. You turned to look around at the boy with extremely messy blond hair.

Wait... Blond?

You just noticed his blond hair because he had been wearing his hood while he was sleeping. And he apparently changed his hair color in less than a week.

"That was Jungkook wasn't it?" Lily asked.

"When did you go blond?" you asked Jungkook.

"What? I didn't" Lily said.

"Two days back. It looks good doesn't it? I wanted to surprise you" Jungkook said.


"Wow, Lily is enthusiastic" Jungkook chuckled. She was so loud that he could hear her clearly.

"OH MY GOD, HE REMEMBERS MY NAME" she shouted again.

"Lily I'm gonna talk to you later" you said.

"Yes but please send me blond Jungkook pictures" she said.

"Uh sure. Bye"

"So, how does it look?" Jungkook asked pointing to his hair.

"Devastatingly hot" you said.

He smiled evilly.

"Yes but please tell me what happened last night? In what new ways did I make a fool out of myself? And most importantly Taehyung-"

"Hey y/n" you heard Taehyung from behind Jungkook who was still standing at the door.

Jungkook moved aside to give way to Taehyung.

You didn't say anything. You couldn't.. words were clearly stuck in your throat. You had no idea how to react to Kim fucking Taehyung who was right in front of your eyes.

Thankfully, he decided to speak first.

"Before we talk, can I give you a hug? I've wanted to hug you for very long now" he said without really meeting your eyes, almost shy.

You wanted to cry, run to him, hug him and weep.. and you did exactly that.

You hugged him tightly and broke down.. you assumed he knew and you let yourself cry, you let yourself cry for all those times you wanted to tell him something but you couldn't, for all the times something reminded you of him, for all the times you saw him on TV, for all the times you missed your friendship with him, for all the times....

Surprisingly, he cried back;

"I'm so sorry.. I don't know why I never even considered how bad things might've been from your point of view" he sniffled, "I'm so sorry for not being there for you y/n, I'm so sorry for saying all that shit about you, I'm so sorry for not understanding".

"You don't have to apologize for anything Tae.. please don't say that. I should be the one to apologize.. I was the one who decided to keep you out of it" you said, "and you were just looking out for your best friend."

"I had been pestering Jungkook for very long now.. and when he finally told me yesterday while we were out looking for you.. I- I have never hated myself so much" Taehyung said.

"Please don't say that Tae.. please..I - I really don't know what to say" you said.

"Then don't say anything" Taehyung said.

That was when you heard Jungkook's light sniffles, the boy's face was red, he was blinking his eyes and clearly trying to hold back his tears. Apparently Taehyung saw him too and called out;

"Come here you big baby" he held his hand out, "group hug"

And Jungkook almost skipped all the way to you and Taehyung, letting the tears fall and hugged you both like a big, blond rock.

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