Epilogue- Part I

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Okay so, I know Epilogues aren't supposed to be in parts but I don't care.. I will write a few chapters that would contain time skips.


Jungkook was looking fondly at the sight in front of him. They were at the BTS Dorm. Jimin had his head in y/n's lap and they had been having a Harry Potter movie marathon.. Jungkook knew both of them liked the series a lot and they had actually done this often together. But they had been sitting like that for almost two days now.. and none of them was planning to move.

It had been three months since they started talking again. Y/n was worried that things would be awkward with Jimin but they almost instantly got their comfort back with each other.
Initially it did seem like they might struggle with 'being friends' but they knew each other so well that it was easier than expected;

"And what is that supposed to be?" Jungkook asked y/n while pointing to the sketch she had made.

"What? Can't you tell?" She glared Jungkook, then Taehyung who shook his head and then expectantly at Jimin who smiled while shrugging.

She sighed, "it's Jimin."

Taehyung burst out laughing followed by Jungkook and Jimin was trying so hard to control his laughter that he got tears in his eyes.

"I hate you guys." She threw the sketch pad at Jungkook, "I'm not an artist."

"I really thought you were just being modest earlier" Taehyung said, "but oh my god you really suck."

"Fuck you" she showed her middle finger to Taehyung.

"Come on guys" Jimin was still trying to control his laughter, "it's not bad.. I mean, look- she perfectly captured my- my- um- hair.. no, wait, my nose- yes my nose." That's when he started laughing too and then immediately held it, "I'm sorry, it's amazing.. you're so good at this."

"Shut up Jimin" she giggled and then hit Jimin, "you're all the same."

Although Jungkook could still not understand why they were hell bent on being 'just friends' when they clearly couldn't stay away from each other ever since they started hanging out again. They cared so deeply for each other that it was actually painful to not see them together;

Jimin ,who looked all prim and proper, was just about to walk out of the door unnoticed when Yoongi stopped him, "Where are you going?" Yoongi asked him.

"Um. Just- out" Jimin said.

"Yes I can see that. But you don't look like you're going out for a walk." Yoongi said and Jungkook snickered.

"I'm just going close by." Jimin said.

"He's lying Yoongi hyung" Jungkook said, "look at his ears.. he's blushing." Jimin glared at him.

"You're going to meet y/n aren't you?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin slumped his shoulders, "YES- I spoke to her a few minutes back and she seemed kind of upset- so I decided to surprise her..."

"Yeah so why are you hiding that.. nobody's stopping you from meeting her." Yoongi grinned, "it's okay Jiminah, we get your enthusiasm. Go on, get your girl."

"She's not my girl" Jimin said, "not yet." He grinned and rushed out.

It wasn't only Jimin but even y/n was always looking out for Jimin;
"I thought you were bringing Jimin along with you" she told Jungkook.

"Well, did you want me to bring him with me?" Jungkook smirked.

"Yes-" She blushed, "I mean- you did mention it."

Jungkook snickered, "he's has fever. So he took a medicine."

"What? How? Why didn't you tell me before? Is there someone with him?"  She asked, extremely worried.

"Aw, look at you being all girlfriend-y towards hyung. He's alone but he's sleeping so it's okay." Jungkook giggled.

"Shut up Jungkook, a friend can worry too you know? I would worry the same way about you." She said.

"Okay well, I do agree with you on that- where are you going?" He asked.

"Let's go be with Jimin- he's all alone.. What if he needs something? He's not well." She said.

"Hmph, okay" Jungkook said.

Currently, he watched y/n craned her head to look at Jimin's face;

"Are you crying?" She whispered .

"D-dobby-" Jimin burst into tears.

Y/n started crying too, "I know right."

"He sacrificed his life" Jimin sniffled, "for his friends."

"He is the best character in the entire series.. so precious.. so pure" she said.

Jungkook just shook his head in disbelief looking at both of them and chuckling lightly.

Y/n held Jimin's face in her hand while talking about Dobby's death and how much she adored the little elf while Jimin looked like he would never stop crying.

When y/n finally realised that Jimin wouldn't stop crying she tried to crack a joke.. more like a pick up line..

"Did you just cast Expelliarmus? Because that smile is disarming... come on now, smile for me Jiminah" she said.

Jimin snorted, "that was actually cool and so sweet" and he finally smiled.

Y/n ruffled his bubblegum pink hair and smiled at Jimin, "keep that smile on".

"I need to pee" she got up, "Jeon Jungkook why are you smiling creepily?"

"Hmm?" Jungkook looked at her, "nothing" he smiled and went back to scrolling through social media.

Stay tuned for more parts😚

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