Chapter 28

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You let your colleagues collectively decide the restaurant. You expected them to choose a nice place since most of them had been living in Seoul since forever.

You hadn't ever heard of the place before but once you reached you realized what had happened.

Since you lab was close to BigHit and so was this restaurant, you had come to this place plenty of times with different people, from Namjoon to Soobin, from coffee dates with Jimin to picking up food with Hueningkai. But it had entirely changed...

It used to be a normal cafe before, but now it seemed a posh and quite popular restaurant and pub.

The owner was still the same. It was an old man who had given you a free cupcake countless times when this place was a cafe. He squinted his eyes when he saw you, as if trying to remember where he had seen you. You smiled at him and he smiled back, still not gathering who you were. But he seemed sad, as if the music was bothering him. The vibe of the place had entirely changed.

You got a big table for all eleven of you, with you sitting at the head of the table.

You had made up your mind NOT to drink too much. Be it whatever, these people did look up to you, even though you were nothing close to a role model. You could not show them your weird, wild, drunk side.

No matter how old you got, there was one thing that always irritated you and that was ordering your food... It wasn't because of social anxiety, but the pressure of choosing one dish out of the huge menu.. who could resist food?

But somehow that pressure vanished while choosing the drink..

After finishing two drinks you reminded yourself not to drink a lot. Apparently everyone at the table seemed to be doing the same, 'maintaining professionalism'.

"Are you guys scared of me?" you asked.

Lily almost spat her drink.

"No not you Lily, you're shameless" you said, "Not you either Ashley.. the rest"

And rightly so, Lily and Ashley seemed to be downing their drinks as if this was the last time they'd ever drink. Maybe it was because you were paying...

"There's nothing like that y/n" Dr. Han said and smiled, "it just seems a little awkward to drink in front of all the colleagues"

"This is definitely not bothering them" Dr. Brown looked at Ashley and Lily.

"Hey stop pointing us out" Lily threw a tissue at Dr. Brown, "we've been out drinking with y/n before"

"Okay, I just wanna say, loosen out, drink, eat, talk, enjoy" you said, swinging your arms wildly, "please don't think this is awkward"

"You're saying this but you're the one who is hesitant to drink" Ashley said.

"Oh don't encourage her to drink" Lily said, "I've heard all her drunk stories" she giggled.

Everyone was intrigued by that, "what do you mean?" Dr. Park almost laughed while asking.

"Oh we'd love to know" Dr. Lewis said.

Lily looked at you and you glared at her, "okay Boss lady is giving me the looks" she gulped down her drink, "I'll tell you guys when she's not around" she whisper shouted.

"Fuck you Lily" you said as you ordered another drink. You couldn't possibly be embarrassed more. Right ?

When everyone seemed somewhat drunk, they started talking about their teenage years and how socially awkward some of them were, how they could never talk to their crush, what music they were into, some of them were good at art, some knew certain instruments, some of them could sing so well.. You were starting to wonder why you didn't go on dinners like this before. You could've gotten to know them so well.

Out of ten, eight admitted to be BTS ARMYs along with stanning other groups too.

Two out of those eight were Hoseok stans. Another, like you, was OT7. another was Namjoon, then Yoongi, Taehyung and so on..

"You know the BigHit building is around the corner?" Dr. Han said.

You nodded, "yeah I saw it"

"I wonder what it's like inside" Lily said. She had tried asking you before but then she realized you weren't very comfortable with it so she dropped it.

"Just a bunch of very handsome dudes who make music" Dr. Lewis said.

"That's it, I'm going inside" Dr. Jung announced.

"They'll kick you out" you said, "the security is very tight... obviously"

"But I need to try it once before I die" Dr. Jung said.

"Yes me too" Dr. Lewis added.

"Y/n will do it for us" Ashley declared, "she'll show you what it's like to enter the building like a boss"

"I'm sorry what?" you stared at her, not believing your ears.

"Come on" she whined.

Okay she's drunk...

"You should totally do it" Lily encouraged, "it'll be fun"

"I'm not doing something this stupid" you said.

Is it weird that I WANT to do it?

"It's a dare" Dr. Han said, "you wanted us to be more comfortable and loosen up" she laughed.

"That's a senseless dare" you said, "they'll kick me out" you fake laughed.

No they won't... the security hadn't changed in two years.. I noticed that from a distance..

"They won't kick you out" Lily said, trying to avoid eye contact with you, "I mean, they'll politely ask you to leave once they see you're drunk"

This earned a few laughs from everyone.

You had no idea why they were trying so hard to persuade you to do this incredibly stupid deed, but then you announced, "you know what? Let's get this bread" and everyone erupted into cheers.

But you downed two shots before settling the bill and heading out of the place along with everyone...

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