Chapter 12

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Jimin drove himself and Jessica to Namjoon's holiday home. Taehyung, Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi were coming in a separate car.
Jungkook had left in a hurry..

The last time he went there was four years ago and he was surprised to see that the house hadn't changed at all.
Even the Christmas tree was set in the exact same spot.

It was a pretty big house with a beautiful garden up front.. Jimin smiled to himself, bitterly, remembering how y/n and he had literally made out in every spot of the house..


Before picking y/n up, he got her chicken nuggets.. Since Jimin had forgotten to bring her chicken nuggets when they met after she had won the race, she had made a huge deal about it;

"Well I got you the chocolates, as discussed" she whined, "you didn't get me the chicken nuggets"

"I-" Jimin started.

"No Jimin, now you have to get me more chicken nuggets.. consider it a penalty like your RUN episodes" she stuck her tongue out and teased, looking so adorable.

Ever since that day, Jimin made sure he ALWAYS had chicken nuggets when he met y/n....

Oh, I love you so much y/n...

They had reached much before everyone else.. Namjoon had actually made a lot of arrangements.. Christmas decorations were all over the house.. If a person were to see it from outside, they'd think there would be a party here and not just seven people who had known each other their entire life..

Y/n was wearing a reindeer headband.. she said it lifted her Christmas spirits.. and also because it looked cute..

Once they went inside, Jimin immediately crashed on the couch;

"Aw, are you tired my mochi?" y/n asked, "you should've let me drive"

"Well I'm not that tired" he sat up, "and no one's here, you wanna do something?" he smirked and raised his eyebrows.

"If you're suggesting we should make a castle out of pillows then yes" she smiled innocently at him.

"Oh come on y/n" he pulled her as she fell on his lap, "you know I didn't mean that"

"Park Jimin, you're a dirty man" she booped his nose and put her reindeer headband on his head.

"Why Park Jimin, when you can ride Jimin?" Jimin said with a seductive smirk.

She laughed out so loud, "what the fuck" she couldn't control her laughter.

"I read this on twitter" Jimin said and laughed, "it's weirder when I say it out loud"

Her expression immediately darkened, "no it's not weird" she said while licking her lips seductively and straddling his thighs, "I could ride Jimin"

"Oh my god, what did I just walk into" Jimin heard Jungkook behind y/n.

He dropped the bags he was holding and covered his eyes.

"Oh my god Jungkook, I'm so sorry" y/n said, still sitting on Jimin's lap.

"Aw Jungkookie, did your virgin ears hear something they shouldn't have?" Jimin asked Jungkook.

"Hyung, I'm not a virgin" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Who's a virgin?" Taehyung asked, walking in with more bags.

"Jungkook" Jimin said.

"Oh yes he is" Taehyung said.

"NO I'M NOT" Jungkook whined.

Taehyung ignored this and looked at Jimin and y/n, "oh my god, were you guys about to do it here?" he asked, raising one eyebrow.

"No we weren't" y/n said, shaking her head.

"We might've done something had Jungkook not interrupted us" Jimin said.

"Well, do it now.. can I watch?" Taehyung asked.

"Ew, no" Jimin said, "go away"

"Ugh, you're boring Jimin.. Jungkook why did you disturb them?" Taehyung asked Jungkook.

"I didn't want to see them having sex, hyung" Jungkook said.

"Did anyone even give you the birds and the bees talk?" Taehyung asked, "I think I need to ask Namjoon Hyung to do that"

"I hate you" Jungkook said.

"Why do you hate him?" Yoongi asked, entering last.. Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok were in the other car.

"He's calling me a virgin" Jungkook complained, pointing at Taehyung.

"Taehyungie, don't trouble the baby" Yoongi said and Jimin laughed, "also, you're too young to have sex Jungkook"

"I AM 25" Jungkook shouted, "y/n's younger than me and she was about to have sex like right now"

"First of all, when did you grow up" Yoongi said, "and secondly, what the fuck you guys.. go find a room" Yoongi looked at Jimin and y/n.

Y/n was blushing, "we are sorry Yoongi" she giggled.

"No we're not" Jimin said, "but yeah okay, we need to keep our stuff in our room" he said and got up, "let's go angel"

As they were leaving, Yoongi interrupted;

"Jimin.." he said, "how many times have I asked you to wear loose clothes when y/n's around?" he looked down at his crotch area and so did everyone else.

"Jimin.. what the fuck dude" Taehyung said, "yep, we see what she did to you.. and it's big" he chuckled and gave a high five to Jungkook.

Y/n was turning redder by the second.. and she kept looking down at his bulge..

"Jimin" she said, still looking down, "let's go" she held his hand, let the bags stay wherever they were and rushed upstairs to find an empty room...

"You're so hot when you take charge like that" Jimin said as he hovered over her, "do you remember our conversation about me being a cannibal? Wanna look at me prove that right? I could eat you"

She pushed him and climbed on top of him, "Your smile is so seductive Jimin... but that reindeer headband isn't working" she laughed, "here, give it back" she put it back on her head, "now maybe you could show me how you're a cannibal"

I love writing flashbacks...they hurt me and I love suffering....

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