Chapter 51

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My dog is humping my leg while I'm writing this..



"Hyung we've been trying to find them for over ten minutes now." Jungkook said.

"I had no idea Jimin could run this fast." Taehyung said, "let's slow down a little, I can't breathe."

"Do you think he found her?" Jungkook asked.

"That loser is running on love, of course he did." Taehyung said.

Jungkook shook his head and grinned, "ah what a beautiful feeling.. to be in love."

Taehyung looked at him, "have you ever been in love?"

Jungkook's ears turned red, "uhm, yeah? Who hasn't?" He laughed nervously.

"Uh huh" Taehyung said, "well, I haven't."

"Really?" Jungkook looked into his eyes.

"Well not until recently" Taehyung said and turned red.

Jungkook tried to hide his smile but failed, "hyung-"

"Jungkook- shh, let me speak" Taehyung said, "Jungkook I-"

"There" Jungkook pointed and scream whispered, "they're on that bench"

Taehyung sighed loudly and looked down, "This is the second time I'm getting interrupted"

"Come on" Jungkook gripped his hand tightly, "let's eavesdrop" he giggled.

Taehyung groaned but agreed.

By the time both of them came within earshot of y/n and Jimin, they saw that neither of them was talking, they were just eating chicken nuggets.

"Okay, where was I?" Y/n asked.

"You were telling me about the time I was the worst boyfriend" Jimin said.

"I did not say that" y/n looked offended, "what the fuck Jimin"

"I wasn't there for you.. which makes me the worst boyfriend" he said.

"I will punch you in the nose and not even apologise to the armys for breaking your cute nose" she said.

"You think it's cute?" Jimin smiled and touched his nose.

"Shut up" she hit him in his arm.

"Oh my god, I think it's going well" Taehyung giggled.

"Shh, let me hear them" Jungkook said.

"You shouldn't have had to go to Jungkook, I should've been there for you." he said, looking down at his hands.

"Jimin, you were always there for me.. you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened" she held his hands, "I probably should've told you sooner.. but I had no idea how-"

Jimin was looking at y/n's hands holding his, "can't tell you how much I've missed this." he let out a shaky laugh.

Y/n smiled at his actions, "I missed you too Jimin."

"One whole month.. I wanted to talk to you for the entire past month but your bodyguards kept me at bay" he said.

"My what- oh" she said, "no wonder they've been so overprotective and weird. Even the other day- when we met, they were acting in such an absurd way-"

"They were there? With you?" He asked.

"Yeah- oh, oh my god" she said, "I came with Jungkook and Taehyung that night."

"But then- that guy? Han Seojun? " he asked.

"I figured you might not be okay with the fact that I was out with your two best friends.. so I did a little improv" she said, "I mean- I didn't really know that you knew everything."

"So you weren't on a date with him?" He asked, smiling slightly.

"No pfft, I don't even know that guy- well, I do now.. but I just randomly pulled him.. he did try to flirt with me earlier- but I'm glad he played along" she said.

"Oh my god y/n" he let out a low chuckle, "can't believe I was jealous of him"

"Why on earth would you be jealous of him?" She asked, "you were literally out with your girlfriend."

"I told you she's not my-"

"Jiminah, you don't have to lie to me.. it's okay.. you should have a girlfriend" she said.

"But she's not- ugh why haven't these two dickheads told you anything? We broke up a month ago.. when I got to know the truth and it was then I realised a lot of things... the main being that I shouldn't really try getting over you" he said.

Her cheeks turned red but she didn't say anything.

"This is gonna sound- well, stupid but" Jimin looked into her eyes.

"But what?"

"Can we be friends again?" he asked hopefully.

"I would love that Jimin.. I would love to start over with you." she said.

"I want to get to know you.. again." he said, "and we'll have all the time in the world."

"I don't need your time" she smiled, "just the fact that you'll be in my life is enough."

"Do you want me to cry?" he asked.

"I could join you" she said.

They laughed, "but seriously, we're disbanding next year-"

"What?" she got up from the bench, "really?"

"It's high time we focus on our lives." he smiled.

"But neither Jungkook or Taehyung mentioned that to me" she frowned.

"It is supposed to be a secret." he said.

"Yes but not from me" she said.

"We're working on our last album" he smiled sadly, "we already delayed disbanding by a year.. plus I'm supposed to go to military next year-"

"You what?" she shouted, "can you stop attacking me like that?"

"Too early for that?" he pursed his lips together.

"Uh- YES?" she said, "stop talking."

"Okay" he smiled, "come sit." She sat back next to him, the chicken nuggets not separating them anymore. "Oh look, it's snowing.."

You know what? One last chapter left for those who wish to let the book end with them being friends🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Look where we started, and now we're here🥺🥺🥺
But I'm uploading it today🥺🥺🥺

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