Chapter 35

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After crying together and a continuous cycle of apologies from all three of you (you weren't sure why Jungkook was apologizing), you decided you were hungry.

"Okay let me cook you something" Taehyung said.

"No" Jungkook and you said almost together.

"Hey, I'm a good cook" Taehyung looked offended, "I've gotten better y/n, trust me"

"Yeah- um- yeah- I trust you Tae.. uh, but- it's almost lunch time.. and I don't really have groceries or anything in the kitchen" you said, "so let's order something instead?"

"Yes! Pizza!" Jungkook said.

"I'm literally living on pizza Jungkook" you said, "I need to eat something healthy or I'll die"

"Yes y/n, please, you look so thin and weak.. we should ask Jin hung to cook for you" Taehyung said.

"Yes please" you pleaded, "but don't tell him it's for me.. I didn't exactly give anyone an explanation before I disappeared from your lives"

"Good point" Taehyung said, "okay but order something soon.. I'm starving.. also, I need to use the restroom"

"It's right outside" you said and he nodded.

"I really thought you'd freak out" Jungkook said once Taehyng left.

"I was honestly so scared of talking to him" you said.

"No, I meant about the post its.. I literally shouted at him for using the special ones.. but he said he wanted to do something sweet for you so I let it pass" he said.

"OH MY GOD, YES MY POST ITS" you said and later processed what Jungkook had said, "oh.. he wanted to do something sweet? Yeah okay then it's cool.."

Jungkook giggled, "I knew you'd be losing it"

"Okay enough about me Mr. Loverboy" you raised your eyebrows at him, "the way the two of you were entangled with each other" you entwined your fingers, "I clicked a picture.. it was adorable"

Jungkook's cheeks turned a deep shade of red, "it was nothing y/n" he rolled his eyes.

"Sure.. as you say" you said, "but it didn't look like nothing to me" you grinned.

"We were sleeping on separate couches.. but it was cold.. and it's not like I know where you keep your spare blankets-"

"I don't have spare blankets" you interrupted him.

"What? why?" he asked.

"Um.. I don't know.. maybe because I live alone?" you said, "anyway, continue" you smirked.

"So hyung suggested that we sleep together" he said and you raised your eyebrows again, "I mean, sleep on the same couch so that we could keep warm" he said that by putting emphasis on each word.

"Uh huh" you said.

"Yeah and we ended up cuddling" he blushed again, "okay it was cute.. and maybe I can't stop thinking about it"

"Yup, that's my boy" you said.

"So, what did you order?" Taehyung asked, patting his wet face with a towel.

"We forgot.. we started talking" you said.

"Expected" Taehyung, "let me order something."

The food came on time. Even though all of you were extremely hungry, you couldn't stop talking.. Who could blame you? You had almost three years worth things to share with Taehyung.. and so did he.

"Okay but how did you guys find me last night? More importantly who told you?" you asked.

"Yeonjun and Taehyun told me that they met you.. so I ran to Jungkook to ask him what you were doing there" Taehyung started.

"And then when I realized that you were drunk, I tried to call you.. but you weren't taking any of my calls" Jungkook said.

"And all this while I kept asking him to tell me what truth he was talking about" Taehyung said, "so while we were out, looking for you, he ended up telling me everything"

"And then someone picked up your call" Jungkook said, "and asked me if I was J-Cock"

"Yes, I think that's an amazing name.. I'm changing his name to that on my phone too" Taehyung said.

"See? How many times do I have to ask you to change it?" Jungkook asked.

"Shut up kookie, I like this name" You said, "okay so I'm guessing it was the cop? Who stayed by me while I puked? Yes, he was a nice dude..go on"

He rolled his eyes, "okay so, he told us where to find you and so I drove to that place.. When we got there, he told me how you had been dancing in the middle of the street and then you vomited and then you slept while talking to the cop"

"Oh god" you pinched the bridge of your nose.

"That's so y/n" Taehyung said and giggled, so you punched his arm.

You were happy that things were already getting back to normal with him.

"He said that you told him that you saw your ex with some girl which is why you got super drunk" Jungkook said and you were practically forced to face the thing that you had been avoiding all morning.

Okay so I wasn't hallucinating all that? Jimin really was with some girl? Okay. Okay.

Taehyung and Jungkook were both looking at you while your mind was replaying the way that girl kissed him. Then they looked at each other and decided not to say anything.

"Yeah I saw Jimin, go on" you said.

"Yeah so we carried you to your apartment" Taehyung said.

"I vow to never drink again" you said, "because somehow all my drunk, embarrassing stories have BTS in it.. SOMEHOW IT ALWAYS REACHES YOU GUYS"

"It started with that video of Promise.. and now we're here.. we've come a long way" Jungkook tried to control his laughter but Taehyung couldn't. So Jungkook joined him. You rolled your eyes at both of them.

"If you don't mind y/n.. can I ask you something?" Taehyung asked, as if trying to approach a lion.

"Yeah sure, shoot" you said.

"Why didn't you tell Jimin? About the, you know, death threats?" he asked.

You sighed, "what do you think he would've done?" you asked.

"I get your point, he would've most definitely posted a picture of the two of you kissing, on twitter and let the world know that you're his but still y/n-"

"A picture of us taken by some fan caused an uproar in literally the entire world Taehyung" you said, "how do you think these fans would've reacted to a picture of us kissing? What do you think would've happened to the fan base? They would've most definitely killed me. It would've been a mess. Plus, I'm pretty sure BigHit would've asked us to separate."

"You're right" Taehyung nodded, "but you've lived in pain all these years y/n"

"And caused Jimin immense pain too" you said, "I did think that I would say something like- this isn't working for me.. we don't get time and all that.. but it would've been a lie.. he always took out time for me.."

"I remember how he cancelled a shoot once because you were in Seoul and you weren't well.. so he said he needed to take care of you" Taehyung said.

"Exactly" you said, not looking at them, "he was the best thing that ever happened to me.. and I can't talk about this anymore.. please"

They nodded and the three of you ate in silence till the time Jungkook read a joke out loud that Jin had sent to him.

Yeah okay, two chapters!!!

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