Chapter 30

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They had been working on a new song for the new album, Taehyung had just recorded his part and had come out for some fresh air. Jungkook was inside now, recording his part. Taehyung could have stayed, but Jungkook hadn't really made an effort to talk to him ever since they had their fight.

Taehyung walked out of the studio and was about to walk out of the building when he met Taehyun and Yeonjun who were just entering.

They bowed to him and greeted him. He bowed back and smiled.

"What are you doing here so late?" he asked.

"We were practicing and then Soobin hyung fell down" Taehyun said, "so we decided to stay with him and get us all some food"

"Oh, how is he now?" Taehyung asked.

"It isn't that bad" Yeonjun said, "just a little swelling"

"I'll try to stop by later" Taehyung said and bowed again. He started moving out but then Taehyun stopped him.

"Was y/n here to meet you?" he asked.

Taehyung looked back, "what?" he had confusion all over his face.

"Yeah we met her about half an hour ago, outside the building" Yeonjun said.

"She was here?" Taehyung put excessive emphasis on 'here', still unable to believe what he was hearing.

The fucking audacity...

"Yes and she was, well.." Taehyun said.

"She was..? what?" Taehyung asked and Taehyun looked at Yeonjun.

"She was drunk" Yeonjun said, "even though she didn't really look drunk but she said she was"

"Although I believe she wasn't too comfortable with the conversation" Taehyun said.

Taehyung pursed his lips, "okay, thank you for letting me know guys. I'll see you later" he went back the way he come from, almost running.

He wasn't really thinking much while running, just the fact that how could Jungkook think it was okay for y/n to be lurking around here?

He barged into the studio which was empty except for Jungkook, which was expected since everyone had been working for a long time.

Jungkook was standing at the position of the mic, with headphones over his ears, reading the lyrics when Taehyung shouted, "the least you could do is ask your girlfriend not to come here". He hated saying the word 'girlfriend', he knew there was nothing between them but two years could certainly change anyone.

Jungkook looked up at that, he hadn't noticed Taehyung coming in, "I'm sorry? what?"

"Your girlfriend, ask her to stay away from our lives" Taehyung said.

"Since when do I have a girlfriend?" Jungkook asked, looking genuinely confused.

"You know who I'm talking about" Taehyung said, crossing his arms.

"You don't talk to me for an entire week and then you come into the room asking me questions about my non existent girlfriend?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung incredulously, "I seriously don't get you hyung"

"Y/n, Im taking about y/n" Taehyung said, "she was here"

"What? what would she be doing here?" Jungkook asked.

"How would I know that?" Taehyung shrugged, "she's your girlfriend"

"Girlfriend? What the fuck hyung? She's like a little sister who acts like a big sister sometimes" Jungkook said.

"Yeah whatever" Taehyung said, not thinking about how relieved he was.

"Did you see her?" Jungkook asked.

"No" Taehyung said.

"Well, then who did?" Jungkook asked, clearly losing patience.

"Yeonjun and Taehyun" Taehyung said.

"They met her?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes" Taehyung said.

"Well, can you tell me what happened? And stop answering in one word for god's sake" Jungkook said.

"Stop shouting at me" Taehyung said, and when Jungkook wanted to protest he shut him off, "they said they met her outside the building thirty minutes ago.. but she didn't wanna talk to them so she left"

Jungkook still looked puzzled, so Taehyung added, "she was drunk" as if this was an acceptable answer. Surprisingly, when it came to y/n, 'she was drunk' was always an adequate response. And of course everybody knew that.

"Oh my god" Jungkook said, "she did tell me she was gonna celebrate" he was talking to himself, "but I didn't think she would come here"

"Celebrate what?" Taehyung asked. He still didn't know WHY y/n was in Seoul.

"The latest experiment they conducted was a success" Jungkook said, "was she like super drunk? Should I call and ask if she reached home safely?"

"Jungkook, I really dont give a shit about y/n, or her reaching home safely. And I dont know how drunk she was. And I also have no clue what experiment you're talking about" Taehyung said.

"Okay I'm calling her" Jungkook said, ignoring Taehyung.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "yeah whatever. Oh and also I'm not leaving until you tell me the 'truth'" he sat down glaring at Jungkook. He was gonna find out why Jungkook was still talking to her.


Coming anywhere close to BigHit was strictly prohibited by y/n's own set of rules. Jungkook had no idea why she would come here, the only way to know was to call her. But she wasn't picking up.

"Oh come on, pick up you fucking idiot" he said into the phone, "it's raining outside and she's drunk and she isnt picking up"

"OH MY GOD Y/N PICK UP" Jungkook said after several attempts to reach her and leaving multiple messages, "I think I should go check on her"

"Where will you go?" Taehyung asked.

"I dont know, drive around and try to find her. And then maybe check her apartment?" Jungkook said.

"Okay I'll come with you" Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded, his eyes still plastered to his phone screen.

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