Chapter 9

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It had been two weeks since you made the decision to move to Seoul.. 

As you were temporarily shifting your entire life there, you had to do loads of preparation... most of it was mental preparation.

You had to locate an apartment, make sure it had basic facilities and amenities nearby.. Thankfully you knew Seoul well enough, so you had an idea about which areas were good..

The number 1 criteria on your list to find a house was; *Far away from BigHit and far away from Jimin's place*..

But the lab you'd be working at was three blocks from BigHit building.. so you'd have to cross the place everyday to reach there...

Wow, my life really sucks... 

Time was literally flying.. you didn't want to leave so soon. It wasn't because you'd , miss the people you'd be leaving behind.. sure you'll miss them.. but you were dreading what was to come..

You had a feeling that you would run into someone and the results would be disastrous..

Eric and Jake were all serious about the adoption now.. they had all their documents ready..

They were bringing home a baby girl.. 

They had shown you pictures.. she was extremely adorable...They were so excited to be parents.. You could literally see Eric's heart beating so fast and Jake was jumping with excitement..  But you could also tell that they were scared.. Scared that they might not be able to handle the baby.

"Dude that's genius" you said when Eric told you the name they had decided for their little girl.

"I know right" Eric said, giggling.

"Y/n, don't." Jake said, "he has been flexing his brain power since forever.."

"But come on Jake.. naming your daughter 'Jina' instead of 'Gina' only because it starts with 'JIN' is actually smart" Maia said.

"I am the smartest person on the planet" Eric said, "Also, just because I found the love of my life" he kissed Jake, "doesn't mean that I'll forget the man who taught me what love is"

"The weirdest part is, I don't even mind his fanboying sessions" Jake said, "I've actually seen why people love Kim Seokjin.. he is an amazing person"

"Sure is" you said.

"But you guys, it'll be so fucking awesome" Maia said, "our kids would actually grow up being friends"

"They'll be best friends, like us" Eric looked so happy.

"I think I should adopt a kid too" you said, "even my kids could be friends with your kids then... because I don't think I'm gonna find anyone who's gonna be willing to have kids with me.. plus once I get into my research, I'll be stuck in that for a long time.. I don't mind it, but it'd be nice to have a family...some day"

"Wow, how do you guys put up with my nonsense" you said, rubbing your temples.

"It's difficult, but we manage" Eric said.

"We're your family y/n" Maia said, "our kids are your kids"

"Even we're your kids" Eric said.

"Yeah right" you said and chuckled, "when did we grow up so much.. and start talking about kids.. when did you guys become so responsible.. it feels like yesterday when we were getting drunk on my terrace"

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