Chapter 23

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"Are you fucking kidding me Maia?" Eric asked, "you have to tell her"

"Eric" Maia pleaded, "no, she's already worried these days, I'm not burdening her more"

"This is NOT A BURDEN MAIA" Eric shouted, "don't you think she deserves to know?"

"Okay stop shouting at me you fucker" Maia said and winced, she was in so much pain.

"Are you okay?" Diego held her.

"Yeah I'm fine" she said and offered a weak smile, "please Eric, promise me you won't tell her?"

In response, Eric just bolted out of the room.

Maia's pregnancy was as normal as it could be. There was nothing wrong but then she fell off a ladder while trying to clear a spider web.
Although they never suspected anything to happen but they visited the gynaecologist as soon as they could. And needless to say, there was bad news.

The doctor told them that there could be certain complications in the delivery. Maia was on complete bed rest for the remaining time of her term.

Maia was trying to keep her cool but she was visibly failing. Diego wasn't even attempting to stay calm. His blood pressure had risen and he was very worried. But for Maia's sake, he was trying.

Diego called Eric to let him know and he reached with Jake and Jina in no time. And ever since Eric had reached, Maia had been trying to convince him to keep this information from y/n.

Since y/n's mom and Mia were now Maia's neighbours, they were present too and Maia had been trying to reason with them as well.

"Diego, your wife has fucking lost it" Eric told Diego who had followed him out of the room.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked while putting Jina to sleep.

"This bitch wants me to keep this from y/n" Eric said.

"But you have to tell her" Jake said.

"Exactly" Eric said.

"Eric, Maia is being very scary right now" Diego said, "and even though I know it's because she's terrified and I know we must tell y/n, I'm still gonna listen to whatever she says because I'm scared of her."


"She's under a lot of stress" Diego said, "the doctor told me that we almost avoided a miscarriage"

Mia gasped at that, "I didn't know that but honestly, I still don't think we should keep it from y/n" she said.

"I get your point but Maia insists that we do not tell her at any cost" Diego said, "y/n called her last night to tell her that an entire experiment went wrong and she was very stressed about it and now she's ill"

Mrs. L/n nodded, "but she won't forgive us if she gets to know later"

And then Eric's phone started ringing.

"It's y/n" he said.

"Please Eric" Diego literally joined his hands to plead.

"Alright fine" he said as he picked up.

"Ugh Eric I've been trying to reach you for so long" Y/n said, sounding weird.

"Do you have a blocked nose?"Eric asked.

"Yes" she said, "I shouldn't have had the entire ice cream tub"

"Were you watching some new drama?" Eric asked, knowing well that y/n had a tendency to eat the entire box of ice cream when she watched anything emotional.

"I was rewatching BTS: In the Soop" y/n said.

"Oh" he said, "I've been wanting to rewatch it too"

"Okay forget about that, how's my niece?" She asked.

"She's beautiful and she's sleeping" Eric said.

"Awwwww" she said, "I wanna see her"

"Yeah wait" Eric took the phone towards Jake and Jina.

"Wait, are you at Diego's and Maia's?" She asked, "oh hey Jakey, how are you?"

"Hey y/n. Why aren't you showing me your face?" Jake asked.

"Uhh, I have a very red nose and lots of dark circles and I look like a raccoon" y/n said, "now please lower the phone and show me Jina.
"OH MY GOD LOOK AT THAT LITTLE ANGEL" y/n screamed the best way she could with a blocked nose and then made some weird noises to show her affection.

"Shut up you donkey, you'll wake her up" Eric said.

"Donkeys are cute ok" y/n said, "if you think you're insulting me, you're not"

"Yeah he is" Mia said.

"Oh my god, is that my sister?" Y/n asked.

"And if I am?" Mia said.

"Jungkook said hi" y/n said, "show me your face, you devil"

Y/n greeted everyone and then asked, "What are all of you doing at Maia's and Diego's?"

"Oh um" Mrs. L/n said, "just wanted to give her some homemade soup"

"Everyone got her soup?" Y/n asked.

"We just wanted to meet them" Jake said.

"Oh okay" she said and rubbed her nose, "I'll try to come for her delivery though, first week of March right?"

"Yep" Diego said, "hopefully"

"Why the hopefully? It is around that isn't it? 9 months?" She asked.

"Yes yes, right" Eric said. He wanted to change the topic, "have you seen how fat Maia looks?" He laughed.

"Seriously Eric, who took your sense of humour away?" Y/n asked, "she looks adorable.. and funny yes" y/n laughed too.

"Guys please, my wife looks beautiful" Diego said, "with her swollen hands and feet, she looks like a teddy bear"

"Yes Maia's the cutest" y/n said, "after Jina" and then she continued to gush over Jina and how cute and cuddly she looks and how she can't wait to meet her.
"Oh uh, guys, I'll talk to you later, I think someone just rang the bell"

"Take care y/n" Mrs. L/n said, "I'm sending you a recipe, please make that for yourself, it'll help with the cold"

"Mom, you know how hopeless I am with cooking, but okay I'll try" y/n said, "bye everyone" and she cut the call.

I'm sorry for the late update.. I wasn't really feeling myself.

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