Chapter 32

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"The what?"  Taehyung asked.

Did he say death threats? Y/n got death threats?

He felt bad, he felt super bad for judging y/n, for thinking that she was wrong this entire time without even knowing why she did that. He never even tried to talk to her. It was understandable why Jimin didn't want to talk to her but why didn't Taehyung do it? He was mentally cursing himself for being the worst friend ever. He shouldn't even call him her friend, he wasn't exactly worthy of that title.

"There she is!" Jungkook exclaimed, without answering Taehyung's question.
Taehyung followed Jungkook's gaze and saw y/n, sitting down on the sidewalk with her legs crossed and her head in her hands. The officer was standing by her side.

Jungkook stopped the car at some distance and frantically searched for his mask. He put his hood on and covered his entire face so as to not get unnecessary attention. Even though the roads were mostly empty as it was 2am at night but there was still this police officer.

"Don't come out" he told Taehyung, "I'll complete the story soon but let's just not creep her out, she's already wasted"

Taehyung nodded and pursed his lips. He really wanted to meet y/n, hug her and apologise for not being there for her but he didn't really trust himself around her. He didn't think he could even face her.


Jungkook got out of the car as soon as he could and approached y/n.

The police officer raised his eyebrows at him.

"I'm.. um" Jungkook didn't know what to say, who was he? "I'm J-cock"

"Oh, oh okay. I'm pretty sure that's not a name but alright" he looked at Jungkook suspiciously.

Jungkook bowed and thanked him. Y/n still had her head in her hands.

"Oh I think she's asleep" the officer said when he saw Jungkook looking at her.

"Asleep? Just like that?" Jungkook asked.

The officer nodded, "she was talking to me five minutes back and then she slept while talking. She said that she saw her ex with some girl but she also said that she shouldn't feel bad because she broke up with him. Then she said that she bought another bottle of liquor and got slightly more drunk and that's when I found her dancing"

Jungkook made his classic 'I'm irritated' expression with his hand on his forehead, "I can see that happening. Thank you so much for staying with her officer" he bowed again.

"I think you can take care of her now" the officer bowed and left.

She saw Jimin hyung? With Jessica? Oh man holy shit. She really shouldn't have come to BigHit. Aw my poor little y/n.

Jungkook looked at y/n, contemplating how to get her to the car.

"Get up you idiot" he shouted.

She stirred slightly and whined but didn't really look up.

He tried to lift her by her arm, "get up"

She wasn't really cooperating, "you smell like my best friend. Who the fuck are you? Stop touching me" she started hitting him.

"Stop moving, you're heavy bitch" Jungkook said.

"Oh it's you" she started giggling, "why are you here?"

"You think you'll show up at BigHit and I wouldn't get to know?" Jungkook said, finally picking her up and putting one of her arms around his neck, "please start picking up your calls"

"I don't have the energy to move" she said, "and I'm sleepy"

She was almost about to fall but then someone held her up by slinging her other arm over their shoulder.

Taehyung didn't say anything, he didn't even look at y/n but all y/n could do was stare.

"Please tell me I'm dreaming" she whispered loudly to Jungkook.

"You're not dreaming" Jungkook said, "now come on, let's get you home"

"Ha, it's almost like I'm 20 again" she said.

As soon as y/n sat in the backseat of the car, she immediately passed out and started snoring.

Taehyung looked like he wanted to smile but he still wasn't looking at either y/n or Jungkook, "so, what about the death threats?" He asked in a hushed voice as Jungkook resumed driving.


"At first they were mostly confined to y/n, people texting her shit like, they know where she lives and that they would kill her and her family. She literally stopped moving out of her house. She was so scared and she couldn't really talk about this to anyone. Who could she tell? She couldn't say that 'I'm getting death threats because I'm dating a celebrity'" Jungkook whispered so as to not wake her up.

"I remember how she started talking to us lesser and lesser. She barely spoke to any of us. The number and duration of video calls reduced." Taehyung said.

"Exactly" Jungkook said, "but she wasn't exactly bothered by that. She said she could deal with death threats, it isn't like they would actually kill her"

"But why didn't she tell Jimin?" Taehyung asked.

"What do you think he would've done?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung was silent, he knew as well as y/n and Jungkook did what Jimin would've done and that was the only reason why she didn't say anything.

"So just like that? She said she cheated on him? Lied about it?" Taehyung asked.

"She completely broke down when people started sending her death threats for Jimin Hyung. That was the saturation point for her." Jungkook said, he hated thinking about this, talking about it was worse.

"What?" Taehyung asked, "you've got to be kidding me"

"I wish I was hyung" Jungkook said, "she said she could've gotten along with these death threats but then she got multiple texts saying things like if she doesn't stop going around with Jimin hyung, they would harm him...none of this ever made sense but she was terrified. Thus she made that impulsive decision. She lied to him, she had spent so many sleepless night, cried a lot, it was the worst time for her. So she made up her mind, she said all that, she has always wanted nothing but the best for Jimin hyung, for all of us"

"Oh my god" Taehyung shook his head and then looked back at y/n, adoringly watching her snore, "I'm so sorry y/n.. this must've been so difficult for you" he had tears in his eyes.

"The threats didn't really stop... ever" Jungkook said as he stopped the car in front of the building of y/n's apartment, "she still gets them..a lot less frequently but she still does..but she realized that these were always meaningless.. these people don't really have the balls to do anything but speak bullshit"

They got out of the car and Taehyung volunteered to hold her upright, she was still sleeping, looking like a little angel, "she stays here?" he asked. Jungkook nodded.

"So she regretted doing that?" Taehyung asked.

"Still does, every second of every day" Jungkook said, "she says she could've simply ignored them and continued to love Jimin. She still loves Jimin even if she won't admit it, but now she has to do it in secret"

They carried her in the elevator to her floor. Jungkook searched her bag for her keys and opened the door while Taehyung carried her in.

You guys are so sweet.. I love you all🥺🥺 and I had a little free schedule today hence the multiple updates..

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