Chapter 50

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Ahhh, much awaited....

You went out to the park up front of Taehyung's apartment. It wasn't very crowded even though this was the time people were generally out. Maybe it was because of the extreme cold and the fact that it could snow any moment..

Yeontan was surprisingly good company, unlike half the people you knew. But then again, all pets were...You were suddenly missing Thorium a lot.

Just like Thorium would sit by your side and listen to you rant about life, Yeontan was doing the same.. but instead of sitting, he was walking alongside you.

"But then- I didn't even know what to say to him you know? I got tongue tied.." you told Yeontan, "I mean, I tend to get tongue tied around him.. he's so beautiful.. but still.. don't you agree with me?"

Yeontan kept walking while glancing at you.

"Ugh Tannie, what will I ever do? When should I talk to him? What should I say to him?"


"I am hearing him now.. I must really be freaking out.." you said.

"Y/n? Are you talking to Yeontan?"

"What the-" you turned around to see Jimin with a very amused expression planted on his face.

He was trying to control his laughter "Okay so you were talking to Yeontan.. about me?", his expression immediately softened..rather sad, "oh I missed you so much y/n."
Yeontan was suddenly very enthusiastic around Jimin.

You tried not to dwell on what he just said, "what-what are you doing here?"

"Aren't you happy to see me?" He asked with puppy eyes.

"It's not th- stop making that face Park Jimin" you snapped at him, turning a few heads in your direction.

"Oh my god" someone whispered.
"Is that-"
"I don't even have money to go to a concert.. I can't believe this is happening.."
"Wait but who's she?"
"Isn't that Yeontan?"
"Okay so I'm seeing the Park Jimin and the Kim Yeontan in front of my eyes? Two celebrities? What in the name of Namjesus is going on?"
"Who does she think she is to shout at him?"

"Here we go again." You whispered.

"Did you say something?" Jimin asked.

"Yes I asked you to stop making that face"

"This?" He made the puppy eyes again, "but I thought you liked it.."

"It makes me soft.. and I can't be soft if I need to talk to you." You said.

"Wait. You do wanna talk to me?" He appeared surprised.

"Yes obviously Jimin" you said, "I just had no clue how to approach you..this is what I was asking Yeontan-"

He laughed and then looked at your expression, "I'm sorry. But i can't believe you wanted to talk to me"

"What do you mean-" you saw the chicken nuggets in his hands, "what's that?" You smiled.

He offered the pack for you to take it and smiled widely, "for you."

"I can't believe you remember this" you smiled like an idiot, not wanting to look at Jimin, so you continued looking at the pack of chicken nuggets and held it while his hands were still holding it.

"Of course I remember angel, how could I forget?" He said and you looked up immediately, your eyes widening in the process and your cheeks reddening at the mention of the all too familiar nickname.

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