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A deaf man could hear, but only when he needed to. His hearing aids turned up high, his eyes narrowed near his mission. His kid, his only kin, a girl that was caught in the hands of someone other than him. His face fell, heart stopping only to find that those arms weren't good enough for her. The hands holding her face, destroying it. He knew right then that she wouldn't recover. Ever. His legs buckle, the woman beside him noticing too well. She catches him, letting his frozen body hold onto her with little muscle. Midnight did not think that her friend Hizashi would mind a simple beat down against villains.

"What are you doing?! Get up and go!" Another person's voice, he took off his glasses. Her vibrant yellow hair falling to the cement floor. Her voice went silent, and he could move again.

"Cementos-" He begins, moving his legs towards the battle, but not his little girl.

"I've got ya!"

He couldn't utter anything else, much less her name. She deserved that didn't she? He trembles, the ground bringing her to him, he couldn't do that much work for her. He'd fail to apologize later. He remembered not even touching her, watching another light blond boy running after her. Aizawas eyes trained on them. Another purple student running after her as well.

Remembering all those memories from just a couple weeks later, he still can't bring himself to even talk to her. They never had a close bond, nor a relationship at all, but he was there. A single one nightstand, a simple mistake, and there she was. The mother could be anywhere, oh how he missed her so much. He'd kill for her to come back.

"Shit..." Now that class was over, he shivered out of his leather jacket. He tears off his hearing aids, his glasses, his neck piece. Literature, his favorite subject. He begins to write. He never liked talking about his feelings, he'd already tried that. Podcasts, notes, anything to bring his mind off of whatever was bothering him.

He knew she was troubled, an issue he couldn't help with. Maybe he could, but how would that conversation start? He shivers again, scribbling down his feelings as if it were the mother.

"You bitch..." He mutters, not much he could do that'd help now.

"I'm sorry?"

His head jerks up, tears lining his eyes as he stares at his friend. Shota Aizawa walks in, dragging a chair to sit in front of Hizashi's desk. The only time he ever did this was either because he was angry or because he was worried.

"I-I didn't mean that. Talking to myself. What's up?" He covers up his feelings, covering them in class notes for Monday. He couldn't stop shaking, seeing the bandages over his friend, over her eyes, over her eyes, over her lost eyes, decayed eyes, decayed beautiful blue eyes.

"She's really hurting, Hizashi. You need to-" A simple beginning, Yamada would make very sure it didn't end up the way he wanted it to.

"What are you talking about? Are you seriously telling me to-" He had failed in controlling the situation.

"No! Dammit man, she's your kid. Your child."

He stops, unable to process it a minute. Somehow, the way Shota had said that word, it stung where it shouldn't have. Her eyes all burnt, not even the color came from his eyes. His hair, his nose, his pent up frustration, she got that from him. An angry man with a loud voice she had yet to find in herself. He saw her mother in her, the color of her eyes, her height and weight, her quietness.

"She needs you, Mic. She really needs you right now. It's been what, three weeks? Her quirk could have been lost, she needs her father." That stung too, never in his entire life did he want to be called a father. Not once did he even think of her as his kid, but now was different. What his kid needed was something else.

"I am the last thing she needs right now. I promise you, she needs her mom." He watches his best friend's face contort into somewhat fury, his hair raising just a little on impulse. Perhaps his best friend, after realizing that Shota was closer to her than he was in his sixteen years of being a father, may care more about her wellbeing than him. Of course, that seemed to make him more angry.

"You're joking right? Are you serious? She doesn't even know that woman! She's coming to me instead of you, me! She isn't eating, she isn't sleeping, she is failing her classes! Don't you dare say she needs somebody she doesn't even want to know. Don't be a dick to your daughter, or I'll have something changed for you, got it?"

His heart thumps harshly against his chest, hearing those words. Something erupted inside of him, and Hizashi caught him before he could stand up and walk away. He didn't know what it was that made him catch Aizawa's arm before he left, but feeling the bandage underneath his fingers, he could only imagine what her pain felt like.

"Don't you dare take her away from me, I swear to God..." He snarls, and he takes a deep breath.

"Then take care of it. Goddammit Hizashi, take care of her."

Cut Off-                      Bakugo KatsukiWhere stories live. Discover now