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The first day of the weekend had arrived and Aizawa had kept her in his home. He provided books, coloring pages, a dojo, something of a room, and a tv. He gave her a schedule, knowing that she was useless without being told what to do, which was very wrong in his book.

Today, Saturday morning, he fed her a silent breakfast that consisted of two over easy eggs and buttered toast. He'd learned a lot at the end of the last week, so much that he had harvested more worry than ever for the girl. Iris hasn't spoken much since the incident, so afraid of that woman, longing for her smile again somehow, that she dared leave the house with Aizawa at her side. Of course he liked that connection, but she had to fight for her own if she was to continue studying to be a Pro. The idea of her committing to something stuck with him, whatever it meant. He would have to beat it out of Hizashi, God knows now that he was hiding things from his best friend.

"You know... I have to go get some groceries today. I uh... I took the liberty in calling Endeavor to come by and keep you company. Perhaps you can show him the dojo, is that something you-"

"I've been invited to a party." Right on time. She mutters, washing her plate in the sink as he begins to grab his shoes. He squints, contemplating the idea of her drinking for some reason. He didn't like party's, but those were good for her age. Those would introduce many different people to her, perhaps get her some more friends.

"Who invited you? A boy? Mina?"

"I'm in a groupchat with the girls... They said they wanted to give me a makeover. But I know you-"

"You can have them over if you want. You don't gotta go, but it'd be good for you."

A moment of silence as he fastens his tennis shoes. Another couple minutes and he's almost out the door until she captures him in a hug. He stands corrected, perhaps she wasn't feeling safe yet.

"Thank you... I'll be sure to text you when they're here ok? A-And when I'm leaving, and-" He smiles, hearing her go on and on about how she wanted him to know she was safe. He was corrected again, this little girl was so confusing. But in these few days she's been over, it was nice not to come home alone. It was nice to bond, it was nice for the both of them. He fed her, bathed her, and made very sure that when she crawled into bed with him because of nightmares she didn't have them any more. Now, watching her from the doorway as he rang up the number 2 hero, she looked happy. A smile on her face as the door shuts from afar.

"Yes, Shota Aizawa? Is everything set?"

"Yeah, meet me by the plaza. I've got some information regarding Iris and her father. You've got him right? How many drinks did it take?" A small gruff response and Shota figures out he's on speaker, hearing Hizashi's snores from somewhere on the other line.

"Good, I'll see you soon." He hung up, sliding the phone into his pocket and began to walk. Endeavor on the other hand, had to carry a very wasted man towards the mall, wearing a giant hoodie and a simple pair of jeans and sunglasses. He had the hood up, his red infamous hair hidden to the world. With Iris at home, she began to bake. This party was described as loud and very glowstick-ish, so she stress baked for the loudness she knew she'd endure. She made very sure it was vanilla flavored, for Aizawa did not enjoy heavy chocolate like she did. Now just mixing the batter together, the doorbell rang. She almost dropped the bowl, now realizing that she was very alone in that apartment. She begins to get nervous, wiping her hands on her pajama apron and taking it off. She hands it on the table and she nervously steps towards the door. For some reason, she didn't remember being dead, instead it was a nice little nap. It was weird of course colder than she'd imagined, but it was nice. She was at peace. Now, she could only wonder why her mother wanted back in her life all of a sudden. It was odd, she didn't like it.

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