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Everything was ok. And sooner or later, she'd prove that. Now with Todoroki and Bakugo forced to work with three other students to get their licenses, there wasn't much Iris could do in order to keep them calm on her own. Bakugo mostly started the fights with the other three students who'd failed, but with Todoroki there to help, it was alright. Bearable even. Deku, in the meantime while she was alone studying, had filled her in on the secret mission. He'd explained all of the quirks he'd met with, and how Chisaki was a huge boss, like a game level. He had met this little girl named Eri, and even met another woman with a giant quirk. And when he brought up Aizawa's capture, that was when he had to go better into detail on how they saved the day. Iris had learned a lot in the last few months, and Aizawa's fight against Kuronos was worth it after all. She continued her teachings with Endeavor, despite beating him several more times. During the times Bakugo and Todoroki had their sessions, Iris made sure she was kept busy.

She had figured out sooner or later that when she was truly alone, her intrusive thoughts broke her peace. So she often listened to music, sculpted her new hero outfit, and prepared herself for more villainous things coming her way. She prepared herself for true fights, scripting out her moves to become unthinkable and without rhythm. Aizawa had introduced her to Shinso, who had danced with her at that one event. He thought her magnificent, her quirk unmatched to his. But given the chance, they became very close. Bakugo knew of his whereabouts, unsure whether or not to take the problem to Aizawa or Iris. He figured to ignore it all at once, using Todoroki as a shield against that subject. They weren't a couple, no, Bakugo did not' claim that title, he didn't have her all to himself. But, he often imagined being able to hold her closer, without the space she called 'just friends'. During his first trial, winning the hearts of a class full of unruly children, he thought of how she'd handle it, the children.

But two thoughts arose, would she dislike them? Would she see her little abused self in them, and turn away? Would she have liked the idea, and automatically win? That damaged his thought of her mind matter, her mental state, and he did what he had to do. He did his best, pursuing his career because she wasn't supposed to be his top priority. He took his grenade blasters off, fearing the worst of a kid had accidentally set one off. Almost right after he set them safely on the ground, two little shits took off with them. He snarls, running after the two. This was the worst.

On the other hand, Iris was a good silent fighter, quite capable of unbinding herself. One thing Aizawa had noticed, she seemed to dance when she was forced with close combat. As if everything was a rhythm to something of a song. But what song? What tune could she be relaying in her head at that moment? It was dramatic, of course, watching her squat in a ballerina pose, and pounce above Hitoshi's dropped jaw. She pranced with a smirk, using her nimble limbs to easily move his eyes, her rhythm forcing him to shut up. Hitoshi was no match, nor was Aizawa when he stepped in to stop her from showing off too much. They were training partners, but Shota quickly learned that she was better then him, then Endeavor, Allmight.

"Come on, this isn't fair!"

"Yes it is, dum dum. I'm just a student, aren't you supposed to be my teacher?" A simple giggle and he wraps her up in his scarf. She weasels out of it, and he smirks at himself. A wonderfuls student she was,there was almost nothing she couldn't get out of. She was extraordinary, and because of a simple slip of a man and a woman, a powerful being was born. She might as well be number one now, but with Sir Nighteye dead, he couldn't see her future. It was still undecided, especially with all her trauma. Seeing her smile now, her focus remained unwavering, she could be a great hero. But when she got close and personal, close range punches, fights, there was a sadistic nature to how harsh she threw her hits. He saw it, Hitoshi saw it as just pure power. Aizawa saw how well she handled it now, the anger coursing through her in little veins. Her quirk had mutated again, but she didn't tell anybody. Aizawa often saw her open her eyes, and he was confused at how much she trusted her quirk.

He didn't understand what she was doing. He didn't understand the risks she didn't believe were risks. He didn't know the farthest her quirk could go now. Not even Endeavor, who'd seen the same thing when he'd been beaten the third time. Her eyes were open four times throughout the session, and he noted that she was more aware when they were open. Enji didn't like it. Aizawa didn't like it, but what was he to judge? She was coping, and taking risks was just her way, or not. Erasure Head had also noted that Hizashi had been let go, having already confessed to everything. He didn't hurt anybody, and watching his daughter's closest friend fight a bunch of kids, he was lost.

It was a little hard for Bakugo to concentrate during the trial, having to deal with kids and the cold stare from the man Iris called her father. They'd shared one glance, just one, and Bakugo didn't have to prove himself worthy. But he did. He won those kids' hearts over with ease, shoving it in Hizashi's face, proving to him that caring for them wasn't hard at all. Even a small hug, Bakugo spared him.

After the trial, Bakugo was sure to get Iris a clean autograph straight from Gang Orca's favorite pen. It wasn't easy, but it was something she'd confessed to dreaming about since she'd seen him on tv. She's flip, and just imaging her thanking him made him grin in the open. Not even the guy who had turned Kirishima into a meatball could worsen his mood. Over the next couple of months, things got a lot better. So much better, that Iris held the championship(In secret of course), that she'd beaten Allmight. She wasn't getting a big head or anything, but she was finally redeeming her hope. She didn't think of her past failures anymore, instead, reflecting on them as if they were her backbone, a mirror into her future almost. Bakugo helped her all the way, hoping to God nobody messed it up. She wasn't weak, but with one slip up from anybody, anything could happen. Anything, and not once did he think of rejecting her again. Not once did he remind himself that he had turned on her. Never again, he promised.

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