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Kai Chisaki, he really did hate dust. Upon finding out that one of his own followers was holding out on him, he punished her severely. He had caught her using her unknown extra quirk on a water bottle. He caught her making it disappear, it being nowhere to be seen in the blink of an eye.

"You, how did you do that? And why?" Watching her fumble with her gloves. She shoves them unto her back pocket, lifting her mask for his presence. She knew he hated dirty, filth, of any kind. And in her own mind, she was filthy.

"I uh... I don't know." Playing coy wasn't her best bet.

"Don't lie to me. Don't make me-"

"It's my quirk. I-I know you said I was the one behind the screens, but I-"

"You've been hiding it from me. Why?"

"It's horrible. I don't enjoy using it."

He breathes in, smelling her scented perfume. It was strong, but then again she didn't like to smell bad. It was for him and he knew it. It always was just for him, she always gave herself up like that.

"Where did the water bottle go? You had no problem using your quirk just now." She trembles, lifting herself from the seat of the computer room, and raising her hands.

"It has no repercussions, the objects just... disappear." A liar, she couldn't help but not tell him everything. As a hacker, she had been raised to lie about almost everything. He knew it too, he knew everything about her. He'd saved her from killing herself, pressing her hands against her face, watching it grow cold. He brought her back after learning how she hacked America's pentagon. What a treasured gift. He had used it himself, extracting stolen money from opposing groups that faced Shie Hissaiki.

"No repercussions. Demonstrate."


"I'm sorry?"

"I can't. It just... happens. Why do you think I have so many extra laptops?" What a liar. He let it slide, he knew she didn't like hacking either. So she destroyed each file after she was finished. Probably made the laptops disappear just like that water bottle. He'd get to the bottom of her quirk, but he had to figure out first whether she was useful in the field or not.

"You're going with me next time I go out. I want to see your quirk in action. Understand?"

"I'll need a coat."

"What happened to the last one?"

Her silence made him think that she really didn't know how to control her quirk. Little did he know was that the both of them would impersonate a God. He knew very well that he should have checked her background before letting her join his crew. But watching her hide from him, he knew he was still in control.

"Come on, I'm sure it's time you ate something. I found another place I think you'd like." He couldn't help but make her uneasy, and why she never let anyone touch her. It was weird, but even then she was probably just being clean, like him.

"I'm getting tired, Kai. I don't think I want to do this anymore."

That stopped him, and it made him awfully angry too. He slid his hand out of his glove, and he charged at her, holding it around her neck. She squeaks, holding his face in her ungloved hands, dropping his own mask to the ground as he clenches his teeth, her neck was so cold. Freezing, it couldn't be normal. He didn't like that, it had to be a repercussion. If he were to think of the word 'void', where most things that just disappeared went, he thought of the coldest temperature, uncomfortable.

"If you hurt me, you'll disappear too. Just like my brother." She whimpers, as if she was afraid... for him. He lets go, ripping her hands off him.

"Don't touch me then, idiot."

"Kai, you have to understand! I'm stronger than you, and you need to respect-"

"You don't dare say that I need to respect you. You're only here because I need you. You are only here because you're useful. You try and change that, and I can-"

"No you can't. Kai... just listen, my quirk is 'The Void'. If I can focus enough, I can make things disappear into a void. It's located near my lower back, and it's endless. T-There's no repercussions, it just lowers my body temperature. That's why I always wear coats and long sleeves. That's why... Anyways, just understand that I don't want to hurt you, or anyone else for that matter. I refuse to use it for horrible ideals. Please, understand."

It silenced him, his golden eyes focusing on her chocolate ones. He thought they were extraordinary, but of course he would've been surprised when she began to care in front of him. He squints, and he takes his mask off. He breathes in her scent, and he is content with her reasoning. He replicates the situation in his head over and over, wondering why this strong of a quirk hadn't been put to good use. But perhaps, it had to be because she supported his work. She didn't want her quirk, it was monstrous, horrifying, unbeleivaly Godly.

"Fine. I understand. But just like Eri, I have to have you undergo some tests. You know the drill. But for now... Get some fresh air with me, unlike you, I really need some real food." He huffs, leaving the room as he puts his black mask back on. Memories of when she was first recruited fill his head, and he hated how long her hair had been. It reminded him of swinging trees, so he cut it. She liked the new style, looking up to him with enough glee to surround them both. He kept her at a distance, keeping her in the science room. She was needed, but from hearing of how well she was treated as a kid, it was hard hearing how horrible her brother turned out. Disappeared, police still continuing to look for him. Only he and she knew what really happened. 

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