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Watching her from afar, Charlotte had no idea what to do. Her daughter was doing well, especially against her father. Her plan was going smoothly, but the next step was the hardest. She'd died in her arms, Charlie heard her last breath, felt her last heartbeat. Well, she could't hear a thing while her beloved had blasted her eardrums. Her daughter had risked everything for her, and that forced regret into her heart. Covered in the strings of the damned, she couldn't help but feel more than just love for Iris. She didn't deserve anything but her.

And that's when it became an obsession.

The first time she saw her daughter in the same city as her, she was just visiting Hizashi. She failed to do so, of course, because of her status. She had memorized her features then, watching her from outside the supermarket. Charlotte had memorized the way her daughters fingers pranced with the bags, as if they were made of glass. As if everything was made of glass. It was absolutely pathetic. Of course she'd forgotten all about her kid, but that was only because she didn't even want her then. As in, wanting to abort the damn thing. But watching her now, paying for groceries with a simple debit card. She was angry at her for surviving this long with Hizashi, angry at her for existing when she didn't need to, didn't have to. Charlotte was angry because she was spending the life she had wanted with her lover.

She had fought the urge to march in there and finish the job herself, but she proposed herself a solution. Wait, wait and see what she can do, what her quirk is. What she is capable of. What her daughter has learned. Everything. Perhaps that was when it became an obsession, the first level, becoming a stalker. The only problem, she never did see her lover. She never did actually want to meet with him. Charlie got hooked the moment she saw an ounce of evil in little teenage Iris. She's gotten caught stealing a watch for her father, for she did not have the money to give him a gift for the christmas day. Of course, she'd been watching Hizashi as well. He had turned for the worst since she'd left, and for some reason she enjoyed that. She enjoyed his pain. He deserved it for forcing her to become a mother.

"LSDeviant, don't be a pain, come on. Found a good place to set up, thought of calling it the league of villains. I don't want your opinion, just hurry it up." The boy's scratchy voice, she rolls her eyes, stepping off of memory lane for a bit. Flipping her hair, her attitude got worse, turning around with the same smile she'd had since she was a kid. 'Be a good girl and keep on smiling, I am here.' A line she'd received from a hero she once admired. Dead, not real.

"Name sucks ass, Tomura. I need more time to study, you know I can't-"

"I don't want you watching them anymore. I've got this new girl, her name is Toga. She recently joined with this other dude, Dabi I think. We don't need you on the lookout anymore." Those words struck a chord, and Shigaraki watched her charge, pushing him against the nearest wall. The building they were in, was abandoned. It was a church, but it made no difference, nobody cared. Shigaraki took a minute, her elbow pressing tightly against his neck, his other hands resting on her shoulders, ring fingers lifted so as to not let her crumble to dust.

"I don't take orders from you, boy. In fact, I believe I could take this joint right out from under you. I will continue to watch them, study them, learn their moves. And when I get what I want from them, I will do so. So you-" She stumbles back, her shoulders aflame with pain as her skin crumbles into tiny wounds. Her eyes remain shut, her smile faltering as her forehead sweats.

"Don't act as if you're bigger than you already are. It's almost cruel you know, watching from afar, still paying child support. You do know I control her as well, right? I took her quirk, I did that. I can do that to you too, idiot." He took a breath, adjusting the decayed hand that rested on his face.

"And remember, I can finish the job anyday. Keep yourself in line, or I will." And he kept on walking, feeling her quirk lessen, as his visual went back to normal. He was seeing two of her, her quirk slightly affecting her until he had said so to stop her.

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