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"I'll read next," Cassandra offered. Duncan nodded and handed her the book. She scanned the contents of the next page, and a small smile formed on her face. "I suppose you three will find this entertaining," she said to Will, Horace, and Alyss. The three former Wardmates glanced at one another, unsure of what she meant by the words.

"Try to eat something, Will. Tomorrow's a big day, after all."

Jenny, blonde, pretty, and cheerful, gestures towards Will's barely touched plate and smiled encouragingly at him. Will made an attempt to return the smile, but it was a dismal failure. He picked at the plate before him, piled high with his favorite foods. Tonight, his stomach knotted tight with tension and anticipation, he could hardly bring himself to swallow a bite.

Will groaned mentally as he remembered that day. The day before Choosing Day, where he had been so afraid he was too small for Battleschool. He smiled wryly. He had been too small. But he wouldn't change his position now for anything in the world.

Tomorrow would be a big day, he knew. He knew it all too well, in fact. Tomorrow would be the biggest day of his life, because tomorrow was Choosing Day and it would determine how he spent the rest of his life.

"Nerves, I imagine," said George, setting down his loaded fork and seizing the lapels of his jacket in a judicious manner. Will, Alyss, and Horace snickered, knowing all too well of the way of George and his lectures. He was a thin, gangly and studious boy, fascinated by rules and regulations and with a penchant for examining and debating both sides of any question–sometimes at great length. "Dreadful thing, nervousness. It can just freeze you up so you can't think, cant eat, can't speak."

"I'm not nervous," Will said quickly, noticing that Horace had looked up, ready to form a sarcastic comment.

The two young men eyed each other uncomfortably, knowing all too well of their antagonism between each other for many years. Until the boar hunt.

"Seems like a friendly relationship," Halt said, his face totally deadpan. Both Will and Horace gave him an aggrieved look.

Pauline sensed their discomfort and gently squeezed her husband's hand tightly. "Halt, dear," she said, a clear warning in her voice. "Let Cassandra speak."

Halt glanced at her and nodded sheepishly, properly cowed. Will watched the interaction with no little amount of satisfaction.

George nodded several times, considering Will's statement. "On the other hand," he added, "a little nervousness can actually improve performance. It can heighten your perceptions and sharpen your reactions. So, the fact that you are worried, if, in fact, you are, is not necessarily something to be worried about–so to speak."

In spite of himself, a wry smile touched Will's mouth. George would be a natural in the legal profession, he thought. He would almost certainly be the Scribemaster's choice on the following morning. Perhaps, Will thought, that was at the heart of his own problem. He was the only one of the wardmates who had any fears about the Choosing that would take place within twelve hours.

"He ought to be nervous!" Horace scoffed. "After all, which Craftmaster is going to want him as an apprentice?"

Horace flushed as Cassandra spoke the words. He was well aware of their feud, but living it again...He wished he hadn't been so boastful and arrogant.

"I'm sure we're all nervous," Alyss said. She directed one of her rare smiles at Will.

Halt raised an eyebrow. "And why did it take you both so long to realize your feelings for each other?" he asked. Will sighed, not wanting to get into that conversation. Instead, he fixed his former mentor with a flat stare.

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