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Will and Alyss quickly made their way to Duncan's office after breakfast, anxious to hear the rest of the story.

"I've been thinking," Will said thoughtfully. "These books...where did they come from? And who wrote them?"

Alyss shrugged. "They said there was no clue as to who or where. And I'm sure we won't find out anytime soon." Will nodded slowly, opening the door for Alyss as they arrived.

Halt, Pauline, Arald, Cassandra, and Horace were already there. Will and Alyss quickly took their seats, and the rest filtered in.

"Now that we're all here, I think it's Gilan's turn to read," Duncan said. The tall Ranger nodded and picked up the book, flipping the pages until he found the right one.


Will glanced back at the shaggy pony, who watched him with intelligent eyes.

Will grimaced as he realized the scene that was being read. Halt's face was innocently blank, only furthering his suspicions.

"Come on, boy," he said, and pulled on the halter. Instantly, Tug braced his forelegs and refused to move. Will pulled harder on the rope, leaning back in his efforts to make the stubborn little pony move.

Old Bob cackled with laughter. "He be stronger than you!" he said.

Will felt his ears reddening with embarrassment. He pulled harder. Tug twitched his ears and resisted. It was like trying to pull a house along. "Don't look at him," Halt said softly."Just take the rope and walk away from him. He'll follow."

"I guess Tug is a bit sensitive to who looks at him," Gilan quipped. Will snorted.

"A bit?"

Will tried it that way. He turned his back on Tug, seized the rope firmly and began walking. The pony trotted easily after him. Will looked at Halt and grinned. The Ranger nodded his head toward the far fence of the paddock. Will glanced across and saw a small saddle, placed across the top rail of the fence.

"What, no returning grin?" Will asked. Halt gave him a baleful look.

"Saddle him up," said the Ranger.

Tug clip-clopped docilely across to the fence. Will looped the reins around the fence rail and hefted the saddle across the pony's back. He bent down to fasten the girth straps of the saddle.

"Pull them good and tight!" Old Bob advised him.

Finally, the saddle was firmly in position. Will looked eagerly at Halt. "Can I ride him now?" he asked.

Gilan and Crowley both snickered, while Halt still maintained his blank expression. Will sighed and slumped back, letting the inevitable happen.

The Ranger stroked his uneven beard—Halt frowned—thoughtfully before he answered. "If you feel that's a good idea, go ahead," he said, finally.

Will hesitated for a moment. The phrase stirred a vague memory with him. But then eagerness overcame caution and he put one foot in the stirrup and swung himself nimbly onto the pony's back. Tug stood, unmoving.

"I don't think I could get any more oblivious," Will muttered. Gilan chuckled.

"Don't worry, it's happened to all the Rangers," he said.

"And me," Horace added. Will grinned.

"Get up!" Will said, drumming his heels against the pony's side. For a moment, nothing happened. Then Will felt a small tremor of movement go through the pony's body.

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