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"I'll read next," Gilan offered. She nodded and handed the book to him. Before he could start, a knock on the door sounded.

"Come in," Duncan called, having an inkling of who it might be. And sure enough, two men walked in, accompanying a woman as well.

"Jen!" Gilan exclaimed, rising from his seat, a goofy smile on his face. Jenny beamed at him and hugged him before greeting the rest.

"What calls, your Majesty?" Baron Arald asked, studying the ones in the room.

Duncan guestured for him and Sir Rodney to take a seat. "We received an interesting set of books," he said, and proceeded to recount all they had read.

Baron Arald raised an eyebrow and leaned back. "Well then, this should be interesting."

"All right, candidates!" Gilan started cheerfully, imitating the loud voice. "This way! And look lively!"

The speaker–or more correctly, the shouter–Alyss smirked–was Martin, secretary to Baron Arald. As his voice echoed around the anteroom, the five wards rose uncertainly from the long wooden benches where they had been seated. Suddenly nervous now that the day had finally arrived, they began to shuffle forward, each one reluctant to be the first through the great ironbound door that Martin now held open for them.

"Come one, come on!" Martin bellowed impatiently. Will winced, as if Martin was right there with them, shouting at them to get moving.

Alyss finally elected to lead the way, as Will had guessed she would. The others followed the willowy blonde girl. Now that someone had decided to lead, the rest were content to follow.

Will looked around curiously as he entered the Baron's study. He'd never been in this part of the castle before. "Unless you count spying on him with that tree of yours," Gilan added slyly. This tower, containing the administrative section and the Baron's private apartments, was seldom visited by those of low rank–such as castle wards. The room was huge. The ceiling seemed to tower above him and the walls were constructed of massive stone blocks, fitted together with only the barest lines of mortar between them. On the eastern wall was a huge window space–open to the elements but with massive wooden shutters that could be closed in the event of bad weather. It was the same window he'd seen through last night–Gilan made a see what I mean? gesture–he realized. Today, sunlight streamed in and fell on the huge oak table that Baron Arald used as a desk.

"Come on now! Stand in line, stand in line!" Martin seemed to be enjoying–

"Torturing us with his shouting?" Horace suggested. Will, Alyss, and Jenny laughed at that. It was easier to laugh about it now, Will thought, now that it had already passed.

his moment of authority. The group shuffled slowly into line and he studied them, his mouth twisted in disapproval. Horace snorted in indignation.

"In size place! Tallest this end!" Will sighed unhappily, knowing what was coming next. He indicated the end where he wanted the tallest of the five to stand. Gradually, the groups rearranged itself. Horace, of course, was the tallest. After him, Alyss took her position. Then George, half a head shorter than she and painfully thin. Will and Jenny hesitated. Jenny smiled at Will and gestured for him to go before her, even though she was possibly an inch taller than he was.

Will smiled at the cook now. "Thank you for that," he told her. Jenny smiled.

"It was nothing" she said cheerfully.

She knew how Will agonized over the fact that he was the smallest of all the castle wards. As Will moved into line, Martin's voice stopped him.

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