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"I believe it's your turn, my lord," Rodney said, handing the book to the King. Duncan flipped to the right page and cleared his throat before beginning.

Halt examined the target Will had been shooting at, and nodded.

"Not bad at all," he said."Your shooting is definitely improving."

Will couldn't help grinning. That was high praise indeed from Halt. Halt saw the expression and immediately added, "With more practice—a lot more practice—you might even achieve mediocrity."

Will wasn't absolutely sure what mediocrity was, but he sensed it wasn't good.

Crowley's eyebrows shot up. "You were fifteen and you didn't know what mediocre meant?" Will shrugged sheepishly, while Halt rolled his eyes.

The grin faded and Halt dismissed the subject with a wave of his hand.

"That's enough shooting for now. Let's go," he said and set off, striding down a narrow path through the forest.

"Where are we going?" Will asked, half running to keep up with the Ranger's longer strides.

"Halt's not that much taller than you," Gilan said curiously. Halt glared at him.

"One more word, and no coffee for you." The tall Ranger promptly shut his mouth.

Halt looked up at the trees above him.

"Why does this boy ask so many questions?" he asked the trees.

"The important question is, why are you talking to the trees?" Horace asked. Halt snorted indignantly, but Will noticed how he declined to answer.

Naturally, they didn't answer. "I'd hope so," Duncan muttered.

They walked for an hour before they came to a small collection of buildings buried deep in the forest.

Will was aching to ask more questions. But he'd learned by now that Halt wasn't going to answer them, so he held his tongue and bided his time. Sooner or later, he knew, he'd learn why they'd come here.

Will suddenly grinned, realizing what was to come. He glanced at Halt and was surprised to see the amused glint in his eyes.

He then understood, and his grin slowly fell. Crowley and Gilan covered their mouths, knowing what was coming.

Halt led the way up to the largest of the ramshackle huts, then stopped, signaling for Will to do likewise.

"Hullo, Old Bob!" he called.

Will heard someone moving inside the hut, then a wrinkled, bent figure appeared in the doorway. His beard was long and matted and a dirty white color. He was almost completely bald. As he moved toward them, grinning and nodding a greeting to Halt, Will caught his breath. Old Bob smelled like a stable. And a none too clean one at that. Horace and Will both snickered at that.

"Morning to you, Ranger!" said Old Bob. "Who's this you've brung to see me?"

He looked keenly at Will. The eyes were bright and very alert, despite his dirty, unkempt appearance.

"This is Will, my new apprentice," said Halt. "Will, this is Old Bob."

"Good morning, sir," said Will politely. The old man cackled.

"Calls me sir! Hear that, Ranger, calls me sir! Make a fine Ranger, this one will!"

"And indeed he has," Halt said, too quietly for anyone to hear. Anyone except for Pauline. She gave him a faint smile and patted his knee.

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