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"Here, Horace. I think it's your turn now," Jenny said. Horace took the book and scanned the first few lines, groaning aloud.

"Of all people to read this part, it's me?" he asked in exasperation. Will cocked his head.

"What is it?"

"Harvest Day."

Will shook his head. "Oh, great. This is going to be fun."

JENNY, ALYSS AND GEORGE ARRIVED SHORTLY AFTER. AS SHE had promised, Jenny was carrying a batch of fresh pies wrapped in a red cloth. She laid them carefully on the ground under the apple tree as the others crowded around. Even Alyss, usually so poised and dignified, seemed anxious to get her hands on one of Jenny's masterpieces.

"Come on!" George said. "I'm starving!" The former wards snickered.

Jenny shook her head. "We should wait for Horace," she said, looking around for him but not seeing him in the passing crowds of people.

"We really should have," Will said quietly. Horace simply shrugged.

"Oh, come on," George pleaded. "I've been slaving over a hot petition to the Baron all morning!"

Alyss rolled her eyes to heaven. "Perhaps we should start," she said. "Otherwise he'll begin a legal argument and we'll be here all day. We can always put a couple aside for Horace."

"A couple?" Gilan gave them a quizzical look. "Is that even enough for Horace?"

Will laughed. "You could give him a house to eat, and it wouldn't be enough."

"A house wouldn't taste any good," Horace said.

Will grinned. George was a different kettle of fish now to the shy, stammering boy at the Choosing. Scribeschool obviously had caused him to bloom. Jenny served out two pies each, setting two aside for Horace.

"That'll do for starters," she said. The others eagerly tucked in and soon began to chorus their praise for the pies. Jenny's reputation was well founded.

"They are," Will agreed. The cook flushed in pleasure.

"This," said George, standing above them and spreading his arms wide as he addressed an imaginary court, "cannot be described as a mere pie, your honor. To describe this as a pie would be a gross miscarriage of justice, the like of which this court has never seen before!"

Halt frowned. "Does he know how to speak Araluen?"

Will chuckled. "Halt, you have no idea."

Will turned to Alyss."How long has he been like this?" he asked.

She smiled."They all get this way with a few months' legal training. These days, the main problem with George is getting him to shut up."

"That was always the problem," Will said, looking at Alyss. She gave him a small smile.

"Oh, sit down, George," said Jenny, blushing at his praise but delighted nonetheless."You are a complete idiot."

"Perhaps, my fair miss. But it is the sheer magic of these works of art that has turned my brain. These are not pies, these are symphonies!" He raised his remaining half pie to the others in a mock toast.

"I give you . . . Miss Jenny's symphony of pies!"

"Symphony of pies," Gilan mused. "This George sounds like an interesting fellow."

Alyss and Will, grinning at each other and at George, raised their own pies in response, and echoed the toast. Then all four apprentices burst out laughing.

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