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Hey guys!!! It's been a while. Honestly this is more of a filler to move it along to where I need this to be. I'm also back in school now (finally!) Again this is my exam year so I please ask that people remember that and I have a shit tonne of work and projects that needs doing. Anyways I'm calling it guys! They don't know about us is coming to an end. And soon! Anyways I hope you enjoy!!!

"Sorry we're late production ran longer than expected. And don't even get me started on the kid who super glued hair to his face"

We were in America for a project I had planned with the Future Stars. We were originally just going to re-enact some of the songs from the movie The Greatest Showman but then it spiraled and now we're are putting on our own production of it using the kids from the project. We had all the songs practiced and rehearsed all we had to do was put it all together now really. And seeing as we have a friendly against The Netherlands coming up I thought now would be a great time to do it.

But while we were here Christen told me she wanted to meet up for something important and to probably bring Jessie along as well.

Tobin snorts and looks to Jessie who also nods, "She's not lying". Christen smiles and motions to the woman sitting across from me now, "Elliot, this is our lawyer for the equal pay trial, Payton Keller". She gives me a smile before leaning across the table to shake my hand, "Pleasure to meet you". I smile, "Likewise". I think look to Jessie, "And this is my fiancée Jessie". Her eyes widened slightly before she schooled her features with a small smile, "Congratulations". Jessie smiles and nods, "Thank you".

"So you maybe be wondering why I asked them to bring you here?" She asks. I glance sideways at Christen before looking back at her leaning back and arms crossed, "I might have an idea". She just leans her elbows on the table and clasp her hands in front of her, "Well I'm not going to beat around the bush. I want you to testify for the trial". I bite the inside of my lip as I think for a second. When I look over at Jessie I see she's the same .

"Why do you think that would be a good idea? I mean putting me on the stand....that could be dangerous" I say. She raises an eyebrow at me, "I've seen your post match interviews. You handle them like a Pro". I scoff lightly, "After years of practice and training from other players. Hell I still have to have Christen or one of the girls talk to me before hand and be on standby in case something goes wrong". I could see this catches her off guard as she thinks for a second before continuing on, "I still think you should testify".

I study her for a second furrowing my eyebrows at her, "What are you not telling me?" I can see she's planning her words very carefully before signing, "It's a calculated risk". This obviously doesn't sit well with Jessie who glares at the lawyer, "Calculated risk?"

She nods, "But a necessary one". She looks between the two of us, "I know it's risky but it needs to be done". Jessie looks confused, "Why? What am I missing here?" Her eyes flicker to me before focusing back on Jessie, "It is a possibility that they try and induce a panic attack on the stand".

We all sit there for a second. I let out a deep sigh pinching the bridge of my nose. Jessie sits up, "Well that decides it. She's not doing it". She looks at everyone else who all look conflicted, "Right?"

But Payton tries to step in, "She's an invaluable witness for our side". Jessie glares at her, "You have an entire team of witnesses who could do it". But Payton shakes her head sternly, "It has to be Elliot". Jessie shifts her focus and looks around at the other girls, "How can you be okay with this?" She singles in on Christen and Tobin, "You know how bad her attacks are. How could you be okay with this?"

Tobin mumbles, "I'm not". But Christen looks troubled as she looks between Jessie and I but focusing mostly on me, "We're not Jessie. But we also know that Elliot would be the perfect person to testify on behalf of the team". Payton nods, "She's right".

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