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"Where are you going?" Mal asks as I grab my keys and phone. "I got a text from one of my friends she's needs help with something immediately. She sounded pretty worried" I answer slipping on my shoes.

"But we have to go to the team breakfast soon" Mal says texting something on her phone. I sigh as I run my hand through my hand, "I know but I can't blow her off. What if it's important?" Mal thinks for a minute, "Why are you avoiding hanging out with the team? Ever since we got back from camp, you always have a reason to blow off hanging out with us. What's going on?" "There's nothing going on. It's just my friend has a music practical coming up and she's stressing over how she'll do" I explain.

"So there's nothing going on?" Mal asks again. "If there was anything you would be the first to know" I smile at her, "look I have to go I'll see you in a bit. Text me if you need anything". I barely two steps outside the door when I run into Teagan, Hailee, Kai, Anika and Jessie, "Oh. Hey guys". "Where are you going? We have to head to our game day breakfast soon" Teagan asks. "Yeah sorry one of my friends needs help with something urgently by the sounds of it" I apologize.

"So it's a she huh? Anything happening there?" Kai teases wiggling her eyebrows at me. I laugh and shake my head, "No it's not like that. We're just friends". "If you say sooo" Anika sings. I just chuckle as they walk into our room behind me but as I'm walking past someone grabs my wrist. I turn to see Jessie looking at me her grip on my wrist isn't forceful but still firm, "Are you avoiding me?"

Every since I've gotten back it seems Jessie has been trying to talk to me but we've always been in a group or Avery calls me needing something. So the only time we've talked is at practice or the small talk with the team. But to be honest I've been thankful that we haven't been able to talk cause I don't even know what I would say.

"No of course not. I've just been busy since I've gotten back" I say gently as I can clearly see the hurt in her eyes. "Can..can we talk later so?" She asks. I sigh and nod, "Sure but I really need to go Jess". She looks at me before she sighs and let's go of my wrist and follows the others inside. I bite my lip and sigh before deciding to deal with that later and walk to where I'm meeting Avery.

When I got there Avery was sitting with her head in her hands. "Hey what's up?" I ask as I sit beside her, "where's Callie?" She lets out a sigh as she is hunched over her elbows on her knees, "Callie has a study group thing and I told her to go". I nod, "Okay so what's up? You sounded really stressed over the phone". "You know how I have that music practical today?" And I just nod motioning her to continue, "Well the person I was supposed to do it with is sick and can't do it today so now I have no one to sing".

"Is there anyway to reschedule it with your professor?" I question. But she just shakes her head, "This is the second time we've cancelled. If I ask to change again they may just lose it". I hum, "What song were you planning on doing?" She sighs as she hands me her phone with along with her headphones. I put one in my ear as I listen to the song. I hum as I listen to the song instantly recognising it and I tap my fingers along with the song. Once it end I replay the song as I quietly song the opening lines of the song.

Once I stop I look over at Avery who is staring at me shocked, "You sing?" I shrug with a small grin, "A small bit". "Dude I will forever be in your debt if you help me out. With you singing it will make it ten times better" Avery begs. I bite my lip, "Okay but I don't want you recording it". "Deal! This is a big help Elliot" Avery smiles as she hugs me. "Anything for a friend A" I laugh as she nearly knocks me over from the force of her hug. "Now cmon we have like an hour to practice before I have my practical" she squeals as she bolts and drags me behind her. "Avery! Slow down!" I call as she drags me behind her.

She drags me all the way to the music building, "Jesus Av I know I play soccer but I still need my shoulder". "Sorry it's just you don't know how big this is for me. Also I just found out that one of my friends has an incredible voice and she DIDN'T TELL ME" she smacks me. "Ow ow OW stop before I change my mind" I joke but she immediately stops and hugs me repeatedly saying, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll stop". "Okay let's get started" I laugh, "can you play piano?" She just nods, "Yeah I can play a few it's just my favourite is guitar". "Great! Let's get started. We don't have long" I sigh.

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