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"This is your house isn't it?"

I just hum as I continue to make breakfast focusing on the stove in front of me. "Lee?" Jess tries again walking up behind me leaning against the kitchen island behind me. I sigh as I scoop the pancake off the pan and put it on the plate behind turning around to face her, "Yeah this is my childhood home". She tilts her head at me, "I thought you moved around a lot as a kid". I nod, "I did. Because of work my parents were always travelling and moving. But this place is where we spent the longest. This was the forever home they said. They agreed to settle down here so I could actually make friends and put down roots here. It was the house we lived in until they passed away".

"Is this the first time you've been back since..." She starts but I nod, "Yeah. I only found out they left it to me when I turned 18. Turns out they left me a lot of stuff. This house, the business, our holiday home in Canada and a few other things". Jess comes over and hugs me, "At least now you have no excuse not to come and visit me in Canada seeing as you now own a house there". I laugh and nod, "Yeah now come on before breakfast gets cold".

We talked while we are breakfast but it seemed like Jessie's phone had other plans. "Your popular this morning" I laugh while Jess groans as her phone buzzes for about the hundredth time this morning, "Who is it?" Jess sighs as she starts scrolling through the messages, "It's the team chat. They're all teasing Jordyn for your tackle yesterday". I physically pull Jessie's chair closer to mine causing her to release a squeal and I laugh while she smacks my shoulder. I lean my chin on her shoulder as I start to read the messages as well. One of them sent in a picture of when I caught Jordyn right before she squished me into the turf and to be fair it did look a bit awkward. It was like one of those cliche hallmark movies where the main character falls on top of the other person and gaze lovingly into each others eyes.

So it was both weird and cringe worthy

I laugh as I see Jordyn's response to all of this but Jess nudges me, "Shut up". I bite my lip trying and failing to hide a smile, "Cmon it's pretty funny". Jessie frowns at me, "I don't think it's funny that my teammate finds my girlfriend hot". "To be fair to Jordyn she doesn't know we're dating" I defend. As if to make matters worst her phone dings again in her hand and Jessie scoffs dropping the phone on the table, "And now they're asking me if my girlfriend is single. Brilliant". I take her phone and put it on silent before putting it into my pocket out of her sight, "Okay no more of that".

I turn Jessie around sideways in the chair so we're now facing each other and I encase her hands in mine, "I know it's annoying but I can assure you I have no interest in Jordyn. I know how it feels, it kills me listening to the media and fans assume that we're with different people. But then I think about moments like this. Where it's just us. Times like these are the best part of my day whether it's just talking with you about anything or everything. Or even just sitting with you not talking just holding you. If it means having to put up with teasing and a bunch of rumors to be with you like this, I will gladly put up with. Because I love you Jessie Fleming. So fucking much".

I can see Jessie's eyes start to water and one tear slips loose but I quickly wipe it away before leaning in for a slow kiss. I don't remember how exactly it happened but in between soft kisses and small whispers of love, lost in between kisses I somehow end up sitting across the introvert's lap. I had my hands on her neck while she had one arm wrapped around my waist holding me in place while the other was on my knee. I nipped at her bottom lip making her release a small moan into the kiss. We both pulled away when air became an issue both gasping finally letting the air into our lungs. "I love you too Elliot Griffin. More than you even know" she gasps out still breathing heavy.

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