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I was walking down to the room where we will be recording the video with Tobin and Christen. "The Preath family is here!" Sonnett shouts when she sees us walk in. Christen rolls her eyes while Tobin fixes her hat and smiles, "Sup".

I giggle and shake my head at her, "So what video are we filming?" Lindsey and the others grin at me, "We are going to be asking you questions which you have to answer truthfully". I groan, "Why do all these video involve me answering questions about my life? Why don't we ask Mal questions? We came onto the team at the same time!" Kelley shrugs, "The fans don't know a lot about you. You don't post a lot on social media and there isn't a lot of information on you. The fans know Mal's every move seeing as she posts what she's having for breakfast". Mal smacks her shoulder and turns to me, "They're already doing a video about me moved to the Spirit and settling in. So this is all you".

I sigh as I walk over to get mic'ed up, "Fine then". I quickly get mic'ed up and sit in front of the camera while the rest of the rest sit behind camera. "Before we start I'm going to say this now" Christen starts looking at the team, "No inappropriate questions". She looks at all the youngsters as well as Kelley, Ash and Pinoe. But the camera guys interrupted, "Any personal questions we'll edit out". I look at the guy, "Dude don't encourage them!" Everyone laughs as he blushes before all quieten down.

I look at the camera and smile, "Hey guys! I'm Elliot Griffin and today my lovely teammates behind the camera will be asking me questions". I hold up two thumbs up and Sonnett snorts at me, "Shut up Sonnett". She throws a water bottle at me but I just catch it and take a drink. "You sure you aren't a keeper?" She asks while I wink at her and flip my hair over my shoulder, "Of course I'm a keeper. I mean look at me". Everyone laughs while Emily pouts in her seat. I smirk in my seat, "Sucks to suck Sonny".

I shake my head as I look back at the camera, "Okay back on task. So as a twist for ever question that I don't answer or the team think I'm lying I have to eat a sour candy. Which is yuck". The team chuckle a bit before I clap, "Now let's get on with the questions". "Favourite NWSL team?" Julie asks. I bite my lip, "Hmm I don't know that's a tough one. But I'd say it would have to be between Portland, Utah and Chicago. They're all wicked teams I would love to play for". The players of the three teams I names all smile or smirk while everyone else groans. I shrug, "I'm sorry?"

"Do you have any tattoos?" Ali asked next. I have my head, "No but I might plan on getting one in the future". "Do you have any ideas for one?" Ash asked. I shrug, "I don't know I'm still thinking about it so I'm still not sure". "When were you going to tell us you could sing?" Rose asks. I immediately pop a sour candy in my mouth and start to suck on it. My face screws up at how sour the sweet was and everyone laughs at me, "Christ that's bad". "Would you ever sing us a song?" Emily asks. But I stare her stare in the eye, "I rather eat another sweet". Everyone laughs while I stick out my tongue, "Damn that's bad".

"Okay let's move onto what we really want to know" Kelley announces and stares me down and I narrow my eyes at her, "Top or bottom?"


I can feel my face go completely red while most of the team slaps Kelley on the back of the head, "OW!" "I told you no inappropriate questions" Christen glares at Kelley. "But now that we can't turn back. What's the answer?" Pinoe grins and she gets slapped too. "I don't want to think about the baby like that" Julie frowns. "I'm not the baby! Mal's younger than me!" I throw up my hands. "Your still our little baby" Christen smiles and I roll my eyes but I can't help but smile. "Cmon just tell us Ellie" Sonnett grinned. I sigh, "I don't know". "Cmon just say it" Ash smirks. "I don't know!" I groan hiding my face on my hands. The room was quiet until Lindsey spoke up, "You mean..". But I nod, "Yep". I lift my head from my hands and look at everyone who all looked shocked. "If anything this just solidifies your role as the baby of the team" Alex fully serious and I groan again. "We must protect her at all costs" Becky nods and I whine, "Nooooo". "Hey better you than me" Mal grins and I narrow my eyes at her, "Want me to tell the team about your wild time at UCLA?" The team look at between us obviously curious. Mal glares at me, "You suck". I shrug at her a smile playing on my face, "Wouldn't you like to know".

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