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All you could hear was the clinking of cutlery at breakfast. Today was game day, the first game of the Olympics against New Zealand.

My Olympic debut

And it was safe to say I was freaking out. I had been nervously bouncing my leg and fidgeting with my fingers all day. Daan had called me as well knowing that the article would mess up my focus on top of all my nerves. She was able to calm me down some bit but I was still nervous. This is the Olympics after all.

I'm pretty sure the rest of the team knew how I was feeling. The minute I stepped into the meal room I was flanked by Christen and Tobin. They had tried to get me to eat something but I was too afraid that it would just come back up again.

After about 10 minutes of trying to get me to eat something more than fruit, Christen sighs and stands up, "Okay cmon". I look at her quizzically and take her hand, "Where are we going?" "Somewhere to get you relaxed".

She pulls me out of the meal room and to the elevator. She brings me to the top floor and then we step out, "Chris where are we going?" "Just trust me okay?" She sighs. I nod and just continue to follow her. Eventually she brings me to a door and drags me up more stairs.

After climbing the stairs she pushes open a door and we find ourselves on the roof. It was peacefully quiet and the view was breathtaking. Instead of hearing cars honking and the normal bustling city noise, you could hear birds and kids played by soccer in the streets or people from surrounding buildings.

"What are we doing here? Why did you bring me up here?" I ask the forward who just stares off out into the city. She doesn't say anything just continues to look out over the city.

Well until she screams

"AHHHHHHHHHH". "Christen! What are you doing?!" I shout over her as I jump back. "You have all this stuff pent up. You have so much built up, all bottled up from over time. Everything from your past, all the pressure of the Olympics, the news report. You don't have to be strong all the time anymore Elliot. You don't have to keep everything to yourself. Your about to go into the Olympics! And everyone can tell how nervous you were downstairs. And if we can see, the other team's will see too. So I want you to let it out. Just scream" she explains.

I look at her sceptically not feeling sure about this. "Come on Elliot. No one's here just let it out" she reassures. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. And I just scream. I scream at the top of my lungs.

When I'm done I think the city was quiet for a second. "Feel better?" Christen asks. I take another feel breath, "A bit yeah". I turn to her and hug her and she hugs me back lightly running her fingers through my hair, "Thanks Christen". I can feel her kiss the top of my head, "I'll always be here to help you Ellie".

We stay like that for a bit before she pulls away, "Now you can do some yoga with me and just try and relax before the game okay?" I nod, "Sounds great". And again she walks me back to her room for a bit.


"Ah ha I win again!" "You must be cheating!" After doing yoga with Christen, while listening to Tobin question why put yourself through the torture which is yoga, Tobin challenged me to monopoly deal and other games.

Which she was currently winning all of the them.

"Not my fault you just suck" Tobin teases. I roll my eyes and lightly hit her arm. "I actually have a life as well as soccer. Unlike you who spends all her free time playing these games" I shot back.

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