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"So are you ready for the college cup?" Daan asks as we're on video chat on day while I was also doing my homework. I glance up at her and give her a quick nod before going back to my work, "Yeah I'm excited for it. Still can't believe that I'm close to graduating. No more matches with the Bruins".

"All good things must come to an end" she says. I sigh, "I guess your right." "So" she starts making me raise an eyebrow at her. "Have you given any more thought on what your doing after you graduate?" I bite my lip and drop the pen on the table giving Daan my full attention, "I don't know".

She gives me a cheeky grin, "You could always come back to Arsenal...." I sigh and run my hand through my hair, "I don't know Daan". She pouts at me, "Oh cmon Ellie! Imagine how great it would be to be back playing together again! You me Viv and the girls". I groan as I rub just above my eyes, "It's not that simple Daan".

Her eyes soften as she looks at me, "Talk to me Ellie. What's up?" I sigh as I lean my chin on my hand, "It's a big decision is all". She gives me a look, "Tell me what's really bothering you". I lick my lips and sigh, "There's so much more I have to worry about now. I have the business to look after and all the kids I'm mentoring". A frown spreads across my face as I glance at my girlfriend who's napping on her bed behind me, "And I don't think I could be away from Jessie that long".

Daan's face flashes as she suddenly realised my hesitances for going back to Arsenal. "At least if I go into the draft I can still help with Project Future Stars and hopefully get drafted to a club close enough that I can still visit Jess" I explain. "But" Daan adds.

"But the NWSL sucks!"

Daan laughs, "Pretty much yeah". "Like it would be sick to play for the Thorns but like the pay here is ridiculous and I miss playing with you guys" I pout. Daan just smiles at me, "Sounds like you have a tough decision on your hands". I glare at her making her laugh, "Daan!" "What?" She giggles while I roll my eyes at her, "Help me! Give me advice".

Once she stops laugh she just looks at me, "I'm not going to tell you what to do Ellie". I frown at her while she shakes her head at me, "Ellie whatever you decide is ultimately your decision. I'm not going to sit here and tell you to come back to Arsenal as much as I want you too. Because I know you have good reasons for each side and whatever you choose at the end of the day I will fully support you. And I know Jessie and others will too". I smile at the older woman feeling better than how I started anyways.

"Unless you sign with Chelsea otherwise your dead to me"

I burst out laugh as Daan joins me. I'm clutching the table as I try to catch my breath until I eventually breathe out, "Thanks Daan I'll keep that in mind". She chuckles and nods at me, "Seriously though. Whatever you choose as long as your happy I'll be okay with". I raise an eyebrow at her teasingly, "Even if it's Chelsea?" Expecting her to laugh along with me but I'm surprised when she just smiles at me.

"Even if it's Chelsea"


"So have you given where your going after UCLA any thought?" Teagan asked from the row in front of us on the bus. I can feel Jessie tense beside me making me frown but I quickly shrug it off, "Don't know yet". "Well have you gotten any offers?" Anika asks joining the conversation. I nod counting it out on my fingers, "I gotten offers from Arsenal, City, United, Chelsea, PSG, Lyon, Barca and a few others".

"What about the draft?" Ashley asks. Again I shrug, "I don't know. Like I said I don't know what I'm doing yet". Jessie sighs and moves her head further into my shoulder as I feel her arms wrap tighter around my arm. I frown as I look at her before kissing her on the head and rubbing my hand up and down her arm.

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