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"How are you feeling?"

I scoff at her as I take my smoothie in shaky hands and take a drink, "If someone asks me that one more time, I swear I will throw them through a window". Jessie chuckles and raises her hands up in surrender, "Wow okay then". I sigh rubbing my eyes, "I'm sorry. It's just ever since we've gotten into the final, everyone has been asking me that and it's driving me crazy".

Jessie nods, "They're just worried about you. Playing in the final is a huge deal. And this so your first one and your mostly likely starting. That's a lot of pressure Lee". "And to top it all off its against the woman who basically saved my life and someone who is like a sister to me" I sigh.

Jess lets out a small chuckle, "Have you talked to Daan and Viv yet?" I nod, "Yeah. I think we both have a media interview tomorrow together because everyone thinks it will be a great "opportunity" because of our past". Jess rolls her eyes, "So basically they want you to either fight or have a cute moment for everyone to document". I nod and take another sip, "That's about it".

I sigh, "Basically they're using us for some hopeful drama as well as another media day to worry about". Jess studies me for a second, "How much sleep have you gotten recently?" I chuckle bitterly, "Sleep? What is sleep?" Jessie gives me a look, "Elliot! You need to sleep!" I let out a sigh, "I'm sorry. But how can I sleep when I'm a few days away from the biggest game of my life". I rub my eyes again, "I can't sleep because I'm thinking of the game or the media. I don't wanna eat because I feel my stomach do flips everytime someone mentions the final and I can't get my hands to stop shaking!"

Jessie bites her lip before nodding her head towards the door, "Okay cmon". She slips out of the booth and holds out her hand to me. I sigh and take her hand and let her lead me out of the cafe. "Where are we going?" I ask as she drags me behind her. She doesn't even turn around but continues to lead me away, "Somewhere to get you relaxed".

I don't say anything else a bit too tired to ask anything else and I trusted her enough to let her drag me anywhere at this point. Before I knew it we were back at her hotel room. "Can we do our thing?" She smiles and nods, "Yeah we can". She sits me on the edge of the bed, "Arms up". I tiredly lift my arms and she pulls my hoodie and t-shirt off over my head leaving me in my shorts and sports bra. I kick off my shoes while she did the same. I open arms and pout, "Cuddles". She chuckles and nods as she crawls into bed pulling me up with her, "Yeah cuddle time".

She settles back on the bed while I lay on top of her with my head lying against her chest. My ear listening to the beats of her heart while my hand went to her bare stomach slowly raking my fingers up and down. Whenever one of us gets either upset or stressed we started doing this where we could just cuddle in bed in shorts and our sport bras. It started after I had a panic attack and I couldn't feel her heartbeat through her hoodie and jacket. And in her haste she had pulled her t-shirt off with her hoodie and it's stuck ever since.

She carefully pulls out my ponytail and letting it flow freely and she starts running her fingers through it. "I think you need a nap" she whispers as I hum as her fingers message my scalp. "I can't sleep" I breath out. "Close your eyes" she tells me. I do as I'm told and close my eyes. I am feel her hands move from my hair to my arms by my side. "Focus on my hands okay" she says slowly. Her hands slowly rub circles just below my shoulders before trailing down my arms.

"Listen to the beats of my heart" she says next. I smile lightly as I feel the thumping coming from her chest right underneath my ear. "I'm going to start counting down from 10. Just feel the beats of my heart while I count". I hum while she starts to count backwards from 10. And between the rhythmic beats, the slow countdown and the soothing rise and fall of her chest, I was slowly being lulled to sleep. "3...2...1... Night Lee". With my last ounce of energy I move my head and kiss the areas right above her heart, "Love you Freckles". Her hand goes back to my hair and I feel her press a kiss to my forehead

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