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The team and I wait anxiously outside the room waiting for any sign that Elliot's okay. But instead we're met with the sight of Elliot getting wheeled out of the room pass us with a swarm of doctors around her trying to help her.

Once again they rush past us in a blur one doctor shouting orders to the others as they push her towards the elevator, "Get her into surgery now!" Christen bravely stops one of the doctors and I notice her as the same one who talked to me when Elliot first came in, "What's happening to Elliot?"

She sighs and looks back to see Elliot get wheeled out of sight before turning back to the forward, "We don't know. Now I have to go". But she does though she turns to me with a soft smile, "Just....don't lose hope". And with that she ran after where they took Elliot.

We didn't know what to do. We thought she was okay. She was going to be fine. And now we didn't know. I needed a minute as I stepped away from the team and walked outside. I don't know what came over me as I repeatedly slam my hand against the building as hard as I could. I let out all my frustrations as tears welled up in my eyes.

I kept going until someone lanked me backwards away from the wall. Again I squirmed in their hold, "Let me go". They turn me on their arms and I see Christen there before she pulls me back into her in a tight hug. "Can't do that Jessie. Elliot would kill us if we let you hurt yourself". "Looks like we're too late for that" Tobin says softly looking down at my arm.

My wrist was swollen and quickly bruising turning my hand and my palm and horrible looking purple colour. I tried to flex my hand but wince in pain. But I just sniffle and shake my head unable to believe any of this is real. Just a few hours ago we were talking about going out for dinner tonight. About what it was going to be like with Elliot at Arsenal and me at college. How could this happen? How could this be real?

Christen hugs me again as I start to break down again. "Why is it always her? She's such an incredible person. Why does bad things always happen to her?" I shake with sobs against her as she holds me tighter and I can even feel Tobin wrap her good arm around us. But through my sobs I can hear Christen whisper

"I don't know Jessie. I don't know"


Another 2 excruciating hours later the doctor from before came out in scrubs. I was the first out of my seat as I walk to her, "How is Elliot? Is she okay?" The doctor sighs, "It seems that when she was brought in part of the bullet broke off and we didn't find it the first time. It somehow must have moved after surgery and nicked an artery". Tobin looks at the doctor, "What are you not telling us?"

The doctor sighs once more as I feel Christen grip my hand in hers, "The bullet shapnel was lodged in her spine". I freeze my hand going to my mouth as I let out a gasp.

There's no way this could be real

"What does that mean?" Emily asks looking at the doctor. The doctor tries to remain impassive as she answers her, "She may not be able to walk again".

Everyone was silence no one able to say anything. Her life was soccer and now that might be taken away from her as well. "But we won't know anything until she wakes up. We can't be for sure" the doctor adds. I lick my lips, "So there's a chance that she could be fine". The doctor nods, "Absolutely".

"Can we see her?" Rose asks and the doctor once again nods, "Yes but it might take a while her for to wake up". We all just nod while Christen gives her a small smile, "Thank you". With one last nod she leaves us to our own devices. Without a word I walk into her room and sit back in the same chair I was in before. I move the chair right beside the bed. I move my hand beside her interlocking our fingers.

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