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"Cmon Ellie!" "Mal slow down! Your going to be tired before we even start training!"

Mal finally slows down as we reach the door of the dressing room and she drops my hand. "Jesus Mal you might have pulled my shoulder out of place" I joke as I roll my shoulder after being dragged all the way from our dorm to the pitch. Mal rolls her eyes but grins as she has her hand on the door, "Are you ready to meet the team?"

This causes me to my arm to drop to my side as I bite my lip and look away from her. She see the change in attitude and instantly becomes concerned, "Ellie? What's wrong?" I sigh and run a hand through my hair, "It's just...what if they don't like me. I'm going to be playing with them for the next few years and I know I'm not the most...open person when it comes to making friends. And they have probably already seen the news article and-". "Ellie! Relax your going to be fine!" Mal cuts off my ramble as she places her hands on my shoulders, "I know it takes time for you to trust people and that's okay! Just know if you ever feel overwhelmed just come to me and we can take a breather. I also know some of the girls from youth squads and they have been talking about how excited they are to meet you".

"Really?" I ask surprised anyone would want to meet me. "Absolutely! So don't worry I've met the team already and they are really nice. You'll fit right in Ellie" Mal reassures. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I hug Mal, "Thank you". She hugs me back with a tight squeeze, "Don't mention it Ellie. I'll always be there for you. Your family now".

I smile as Mal gently takes my hand and leads me into the locker room. When we walk in all the chatter stops as everyone looks up at me. I shrink back as I feel everyone stare at me but Mal's hand squeezes mine and tugs me forward slightly.

"Guys this is Elliot Griffin as most of you know. Ellie this is the team" Mal introduces. I cough, "Uh hi". Before any of the team can say anything Coach Cromwell walks in, "Hey girls. Oh Elliot great to see you again!" I smile at the woman, "Good to see you too Coach". She nods at me and claps her hands, "Well your girls head out to the pitch while I talk to Elliot about a few things". The girls all nod and go out to the field to warm up while I nervously play with my hands.

She could probably tell that I was nervous as she chuckles, "Relax Elliot your not in trouble I just have to go over a few things with you". I breath a sigh of relief as I nod. She tells me our training schedule and how they will do testing later on to get a base line to set a work out schedule. She shows me my assigned locker and tells me anything else I need to know.

"Now I know you wear number 3 for the national team but that number is already taken so we need to know what jersey number you want" Coach tells me. I nod, "What numbers are left?". She opened a book and shows me all the numbers taken. I scan the sheet and see that most of the usual numbers were taken. But I smile and point to one of the number on the sheet, "That one please". She smiles and nods, "Great that will be ready for your first match next week. We have a match this week but I want you to rest that ankle and make sure it's 100 percent before I go throwing you into a match. How is your ankle anyway?" I nod my head with a smile, "Its good. It's still a bit sore and the doctor said the bruising should be gone in a few more days".

"Great! So I'll let you take part in drills but no physical contact and I want you to sit out in the scrimmage" Coach instructs me. "Okay perfect" I agree. "Okay when your ready you can head out and join the girls" and with that she left to watch practice. I quickly put on my cleats and make a prewrap headband before jogging out to join the team.

Mal explains what we're doing and I quickly jump into it. I'm quick to pick up the play with some players allow it's hard when I don't know most of their names not having time to get their names. Soon for the last part of practice they go into a scrimmage so I go sit out and grab a drink. "You not joining?" Mal asks taking a sip of water. I shake my head, "No Coach doesn't want me doing any physical contact until the bruising on my ankle is gone". "So your not playing in the match this week?" One player asks. "No but Coach says I'll probably play in the match next week" I explain.

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