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"Jess! You ready?" I shout as I tie my watch as I look in the mirror. "Just a second!" She calls back through the door. I look over my outfit in the mirror I had my hair down and curled pulled to one side. I was wearing a white playsuit with a colourful floral print with a black leather jacket over it.

I texted my phone replying to a text from Teagan asking where we were. As I was texting her back the bathroom door opens I don't look up as I'm texting, "You ready?" I glance up at her but my phone is long forgotten as I stare up at her.

"Wow" I breathe out. She smiles but nothing could stop the blush on her face as she shy brushes some hair behind her ear. "You look absolutely.......just wow" I stumble out my mouth dropped in awe. She looks me up and down herself, "You look amazing as well". But I shake my head as I walk towards her and wrap my arms around her, "No where near as good as you". She chuckles, "Flirt". But I just grin, "It's not flirting if it's true".

Her beautiful smile spreads across as she wraps her arms around my neck and leans in. I smile into the kiss as I return it. But I groan as my phone rings making us break the kiss. I sigh as I look at the screen, "We better go before they come barraging in looking for their captain". She nods and goes to pull away but I don't let her go making her look at me quizzically. I give her a few quick pecks before giving her a pointed look, "This will be continued later". She giggles and nods giving me one last peck, "Agreed".

Once we make sure we have everything we head down to the lobby to meet the rest of the team. We hold hands as we walk up to the rest of the team and when Teagan sees us she whistles at us, "Damn!" Jessie rolls her eyes while I playfully wink at her. We wait for a few more girls to come down before we head to the banquet. I was in the middle of looking around when I hear someone behind me.

"I was wondering when I was going to see you kid"

I turn and smile as I see HAO walking towards me, "Hey! I completely forgot your coaching now!" She gives me a grin and nods, "Yeah weird being on the other side of it now. But I like it". I hum, "That's good". I wrap my arm around Jessie's waist pulling her forward a bit, "HAO this is Jessie Fleming". As they shake hands I look at Jessie, "my girlfriend". They both seem shocked but recover quick as HAO smiles brightly, "No wonder you play so well together".

She gives Jessie a quick look up and down but smiles, "You got a good one look after her". Honestly I don't know which one she was talking to but we both nod as I kiss her temple. HAO nods her head back over her shoulder, "I better go make sure none of my girls go overboard. It was good seeing you guys again". I give her one last hug before she goes back to her tar heels.

For the night we all forgot how we were about to play each other in a knock out tournament in a few days and enjoyed talking and joking around with the different teams. I was gone to get water when someone came up to me, "Uh hi". I look at her as she shyly shifts awkwardly on the spot and give her a small smile, "Hi".

She plays with her phone in her hand as she takes a deep breath before holding out her hand to me, "I'm Sophia Smith". I laugh as I shake my hand, "Oh I know". She looks completely shocked as she stared at me wide eyed, "Wait seriously!" I chuckle and nod, "You've had an amazing season with Stanford and I remember you from a camp we had a few years ago". "I didn't think you would remember me" she admits. I just shrug, "I like to keep an eye on who I might be playing with in the future". This makes her smile widely at me before I chuckle again, "Did you want to talk to me about something?"

She immediately perks up as she remembers what she originally came over for, "Oh yes! I do!". She goes back to playing with her hands again she starts to talk, "Well you see I kinda need advice and I've tried to talk to different people about it and I've even tried Mal but I thought seeing as your here and everything..."

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