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"Yeah that sounds great" I nod as I listen to them on the phone. "Yeah I can definitely do that" I say as I run my hand through my hair. I listen to them for a little while longer, "Yeah can you send me on the details? Perfect okay I'll see you soon then". I hang up with a sigh but I can't help the smile on my face as I close my eyes for a second to take it all in.

"So it's a done deal?"

I turn and see Jessie standing behind me. I nod, "All I have left is to sign the contract". She nods and I open up my arms to which she walks over and hugs me tight. I kiss her head as she wraps her arms around my waist while mine went around her shoulders. We didn't say anything as we just stood there in the middle of our dorm lightly swaying side to side.

Today I was graduating with the rest of the seniors but Jessie was staying to get her master's. And I think it was finally sinking in that this would be the first time where we would be seriously away from each other since we've gotten together. Before now the longest we were away from each other were for camps and then we were back together again for UCLA.

Now that wasn't happening anymore

"I'll miss you" Jessie mumbles into my shoulder as I feel her grip my shirt tighten. I sigh and nestle my face into her hair, "I'll miss you too but we can come to visit each other. And you know that no matter how far we are from each other, nothing could make me love you any less". I pull back just enough so she can see me as I cup her face, "Please remember that". She nods slightly before leaning in and kissing me. I kiss her back hard and desperately trying to show her how much I love her.

She pulles back and nudges my noses with her own, "You better go get ready". I nod before giving her one last kiss before heading to the shower to get ready for my graduation. I honestly didn't know how to feel. I mean I was ecstatic that I was finally graduating from college. Something I had always dreamed of and use to talk with my parents about.

But it also meant leaving Jessie


"Elliot Griffin"

I smile as I walk up and get handed my certificate and shake his hand as we pose for a photo. But I think everyone could see my shock as I hear a huge cheer for me making me blush slightly. As I walk off the stage I look around trying to find the source of the massive cheers. But a smile splits my face as I see who it is.

"What are you guys going here?" I ask as I get closer to them. "Did you really think we were going to miss seeing you graduate?" Christen laughs as she hugs me. "But how?" I ask. "You should ask your girlfriend Tiny" Tobin chuckles as she hugs me as well. I look at Jessie who shrugs with a smile, "I may have called Sarah and Mike and asked was it possible to get everyone out here to celebrate". "And before we knew it we were on a private jet which I am definitely borrowing again" Kelley smiles. I shake my head and look back at my girlfriend pulling her into an unbreakable hug, "Thank you".

She just kisses my cheek hugging me back, "Anything for you Lee". We all talk for a while before I wrap my arm around Jessie, "Everyone want to head back to mine for a party?" Everyone cheers as we all head to the car park apparently Sarah and Mark had arranged cars for everyone and after giving them the address, Jess and I get in my own car and drive back to my house. As I drive I move my hand over the centre console and hold Jessie's hand in mine, "Thank you for all of this. For getting them all here for my graduation it means a lot to me Jess". She leans over and kisses my cheek as she squeezes my hand, "I thought you would like it. And that's not even all I have planned".

I raise an eyebrow at her our of the corner of my eyes as I try to stay focused on the road, "Should I even ask what you have planned?" She giggles and winks at me, "You'll find out soon". The drive was a little over an hour's drive but when we got there we were one of the first there. "Damn you live here?" Pinoe gapes as she stares up at the massive house in front of us. "Sometimes yeah" I chuckle, "this is the house I spent the longest in with my parents and it was left to me when they passed". They nod and I step up to open the door. But when I open the door I'm shocked to see inside.

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