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"We're here to talk about Elliot"

Everyone turns to face me and I don’t know how it’s possible but I felt myself shrink into Tobin’s side even more. “Wait I thought you said it went okay? Did something happen?” Alex asks from the chair in front of me. Before I can answer Dawn does it for me, “How about we show you her interview and clear this up?”. Everyone nods as they pull up my interview from a few hours ago up on the projector.

When it’s finally finished everyone is quiet and I fidget with my fingers worried about my teammates reactions. Before anyone can say anything I get up from my seat mumbling a small “Sorry” before dashing from the room. I quickly make it to the roof knowing Mal would be able to get into our room. My mind’s a whirl, thinking that the team hates me for how I reacted, how I was baited into starting drama by that journalist. I don’t even know why I’m here I don’t deserve it, I should just leave, it’s what’s best for the team. I don’t know how long I was up here before I hear the door open and shut again. I’m immediately wrapped in a hug from behind. I instantly recognise the familiar touch and perfume and sink into her embrace. “What’s wrong baby girl?” Daan asks me still holding me. I just sigh, “I’m worried what the team thinks about my interview. They probably think I’m some kind of idiot for being baited into starting gossip in my interview and all the fan probably think I’m just another arrogant stuck up girl for fighting with the reporter”. Danielle just turns me around taking my face in her hands and wipes away the stray tears on my face, “I can guarantee that none of the girls think that about you Ellie. If anything they are happy that you stuck up for the team. You handled that interview like a pro just how Viv and I taught you. If not even better. And let me tell you none of the fans think bad of you. All the fans on social media think your even more of a badass for sticking up for your teammates. And even if they didn’t what have I always told you?”. “The only people who's opinion matters are the ones we truly care about” I whisper back. “Exactly. But everyone has had a positive response to your interview so you have nothing to worry about. You know after you and Mal left for the meeting Viv and I sent back to our room and we both kept getting tagged in the video so we watched it. It was your interview and we watched the part where you thanked us and how we have made a huge impact in your life. Ellie you’ve made such a huge impact in so many lives including mine and Viv’s. The day I met you was one of the greatest days of my life and I wouldn’t change it for the world. You actually made Viv and I cry with how happy we were when you said that about us cause we love you so much. Just like your teammates downstairs who are currently losing their minds about where their new teammate disappeared to” Danielle says to me. I look at her, “I should probably go talk to them huh?”. “Yeah I think so. Although they are my opponents a lot of the time they are an amazing group of women who I know will always look after you” she tells me with a slight smile. I nod before I hug her tightly, “Although they may be my family now, you will always be in my life and will always be one of the most important people in my life”. I hear Danielle sniffle and laugh before pulling away, “I love you so much baby girl. Forever and always Ellie”. I smile back at her, “I love you too Mom”. Now I have to go talk to my teammates.

Daan held my hand as she led me back to one of the rooms 218 which I vaguely thinks is Kelley’s room. Daan knocks on the door which roses opens. When Rose sees it’s me she immediately tackles me into a hug, “Elliot we were so worried” she then pulls away and slaps my arm, “don’t you ever do that again”. I smile at the girl before she drags me by the arm into where the team is gathered in the living room. Everyone stops talking as they look to see me half hiding behind Rose. The first one to move is Tobin. She stands up and pulls me into a hug. Again I feel safe as I sink further into the hug as I wrap my arms around her waist as hers rest on my shoulders. The whole team stayed silent as this happened until she pulled away, “Where have you been? We were so worried”. “I’m sorry , I didn’t mean to worry you all” I say playing with my fingers. “Elliot your not just our teammate anymore, your family to all of us now, of course we’re going to worry” Christen says quietly. I smile brightly at that and take a deep breath, “I’m sorry I ran off. I was worried how you would react and...”. Tobin grabs my hand reassuring me to continue. “I was afraid you wouldn’t want me on the team” I say dropping my head. Pinoe just burst out laughing which she earns a slap off Sam and the rest of the team glares at her before turning back to me. “Your kidding right kid? Of course we want you on this team. Not only are you this amazing player, but you stood up for the team when someone tried to start rumours about our family. I think I speak for all of us when I say that earns to you place in our family” pinoe says as she stands up and puts a hand on my shoulder. I look up at her with teary eyes before tackling her in a hug which eventually turns into a group hug with the whole team joining in. As everyone separates I feel someone grab my wrist. I turn and I see Mal looking back at me, “Hey can we talk real quick?”.

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