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Ready? This is a mega chapter, I don't know how to split it, so it's just gonna be a bit more massive. Let's go. And yeah, the "previously" thing will go away, soon. 

Previously on Once Upon a Time: Second Chances

Killian ran up and grabbed the vial of cure. "How do I use this?" He asked. "You pour two drops in each of the victim's eyes." Sera replied, softly. "And you pour this in the water." Micah said, handing the other vial to Regina. "Why did you spare our lives?" David asked. "After everything we did to your mother, why?" Violet-Marie looked up at them. "Because you were like the family my mother never was to me." she said. Violet-Marie stood up and wiped her eyes, the gasped. Sera and Micah looked at her. "What is it?" Micah asked, worried. "My mother." Violet-Marie said. "She's going to kill me."

In Front of the Clock Tower

Killian uncapped the vial and ran over to Emma. He carefully dropped two drops in each of her eyes and recapped the bottle, waiting. It started at her hands. The stone started to thin and crack, letting her hands move. "Just so you know, she hasn't moved some of the parts of her body in ages, so you might need to be there for her." Violet-Marie said from her spot on the floor by Micah and Sera. Killian nodded, ready to help her. On Emma, the stone kept thinning and cracking, almost like it was a thin shell of glue. The last thing to change was her head. Her hair began flowing again, she took a large gasp of breath, and her eyes returned to the lovely blue/green color that all of her family knows and loves. Emma looked around, blinking, and kind of confused. She looked at Killian and smiled. Emma whispered "Thank you." before collapsing. Killian ran to catch her. "What's wrong?" he asked, looking a at Emma's sleeping face in his arms. "She's fine." Sera said, quickly. "She just needs to sleep off the after-effect of the potion I made." Snow looked at Sera, alarmed. "What are the after-effects?!" she asked, holding onto David. Violet-Marie looked at Sera and Micah. They nodded to her. She took a deep breath and began to explain. "Well, when the subject turns into stone, they fall intto a deep sleep, that is really never meant to be broken, since the curse is never meant to be broken, but I imagine that since I gave you the cure and the curse did break, Aunt Emma will be feeling very tired for a bit, and will need to sleep off the effects of the curse." Violet-Marie explained, standing up. "Yeah, that whole 'Aunt Emma' thing will take a while to get used to." Snow muttered. "We really should be going." Violet-Marie said, snapping her fingers and changing her outfit. "Wait." Regina said. "We need to talk. There are a lot of things you haven't told us." Violet-Marie sighed. "Can it wait? My mother is probably on her way right now." Micah grabbed Violet-Marie's hand. "Butterfly is right. We need to go. We need to hide." "No you don't." Regina said. "You need to tell us who you are, where you come from, and why you're here." Sera sighed. She turned to the others. "We can spare a few minutes, right?" Violet-Marie sighed. "You are as bad as your mother Sera June-Lee Jr." she said. Sera laughed and turned to Regina. "Where do you want to talk?" 

The Swan-Jones House

Snow opened the door to her daughter's house for Killian, stepping out of the way. Killian carefully walked into his home, carrying Emma, who was still sleeping off the effects. He gently set her down on the couch, laying her head in his lap. Micah and Sera stepped into the Swan-Jones house, ready to run at any moment. Violet-Marie stepped more timidly into the home she had been staying in. "Oh, come in." Gideon said, seeing how tense they were. "You saved so many people, the least we can do is offer you some comfort." Micah and Sera smiled, sitting down. Violet-Marie stayed standing. "So, who are you guys, where are you from, why are you here?" Regina asked, getting right to business. Violet-Marie looked at the others, "I'll go first." she said. 

She turned to the large group of people in front of her. "My name is Violet-Marie Abigail Hunter. I, uhm, we, come from a realm that you cannot even imagine. Actually, you really can't imagine it. There is no way for you to know about it, and I will not tell you now, or ever in fact. And you know why I am here. My mother sent me to kill Snow White and Prince Charming as revenge for giving her up." Snow and David looked at each other. "Yeah, about that. We didn't know we had another daughter." Snow said. Killian laughed lightly, as to not wake Emma. "Really, love. You of all people should know if you had another child." David glared at him. "You should know." Violet-Marie said quickly, before anything got too heated. "You sent the Blue Faerie with my mother to our realm." David shook his head. "Yeah, I don't remember that." "Neither do I." Snow replied. "We can figure out lost memories later, right now we need to know who the others are." Regina interrupted. "Well, I guess I'll go next." Micah said. "My name is Micah Emilio Yu and I'm from the same realm as Vi and Sera. I came here to help my girlfriend and best friend." "And my name is Sera June-Lee Sanderson, yet again from their same realm, and I'm here for my two best friends." Sera said. "Wait, Sanderson?" Zelena asked with a laugh. "Yes, do you have a problem with that?" Sera said, suddenly next to Zelena, holding a ball of flame in her hand. "Uhm, no." Zelena said. "Good." Sera said, walking away. "So, who are your parents, and are they okay with you being in a whole different realm?" (older) Henry asked. "Of course mine is." Violet-Marie said. "My mother trained me for this my entire life." "But who is your father?" David asked. "I actually have no idea." Violet-Marie replied. "I don't know who mine is either." Sera said. "Like how I don't know who my mother is." Micah added. 

"My mother is Sarah Sanderson." "From Hocus Pocus?" Regina asked, now knowing why Zelena laughed. "I don't know what you're talking about, but Auntie Winny always said that life was a bunch of hocus pocus." Sera replied. "My father is Shan Yu, but I have no idea who my mother is." Micah added. "Shan Yu?" (younger) Henry asked. "Where have I heard that name before?" Micah stared. "That's impossible." he gasped. Sera and Violet-Marie looked at each other. "Uhm, anyway, we have to go, we're not safe here and we have to leave as soon as possible." Violet-Marie said, standing up. "No." David said. "You could've killed us, but you didn't. Storybrooke is a place of second chances. You can stay here as long as you want." he continued. Violet-Marie shook her head. "I'm sorry, but no. We really have to go. You may think 'she's going to kill me' is an expression, but you don't know my mother. She is literally going to kill me." Violet-Marie explained. Regina's eyes widened. "Is there any way she wouldn't kill you?" she asked. "Yes, one." Violet-Marie replied. "If I kill them." She said, pointing to Snow and David. "No." Regina said, there has to be another way." "I'm sorry, there isn't." Violet-Marie replied. 

Killian looked up from Emma. "How long will she be asleep?" he asked Sera. "I don't know." she responded. "We've used this potion on a, uhm, few people back in our realm." Violet-Marie started. "A few being an entire island." Micah cut in. Violet-Marie rolled her eyes. "Fine, it was a whole island, but we never had anyone wake up from the curse, so I have no idea how long. It could be anywhere from a few hours to a few days, and maybe a few years, I'm not sure." "Well, while you're waiting, you obviously know things about our world, so do you three know anything about this?" Regina asked, holding out the Dark One Dagger. "Yes, do any of you know who Faith Willows may be?" Snow asked. Violet-Marie looked at Micah and Sera and shook her head. "No." she said. "We've never heard of her before." Sera looked at Micah. "She might live in our realm, but that would take ages to find out if she was there." she said. Snow looked at Regina. "Well, whhat if we try to protect you, Violet-Marie?" she asked. "If we do, will you try and help us find Faith?" "Uhm, why do you want to find Faith?" Violet-Marie asked. "Well, because we don't want another Dark One running around." Regina replied. "Well, if you can find a way to protect us, then yes. We will help you." Violet-Marie said. "Good." Regina replied. "Let's get to work." 

Outside Granny's, later that night.

Violet-Marie sat at one of the tables, waiting. Micah and Sera ran out of the diner. The three of them picked up a few masks and put them on, hurrying towards the woods. "What if they find out what we're keeping from them?" Micah asked. "They won't." Violet-Marie replied. "But what if they do?" Sera added. "If they do figure it out, or we are forced to tell them, we will do it on our terms. I trust you two, so if something does happen, I trust you'll make the right decision." Violet-Marie replied. "And what will that be?" Sera asked. "Whatever it takes."

So? What do you think? I'm starting school again in a few days, so I won't update as much, but I went through all of my old chapters and edited!! So this one is edited as well! So hopefully, there will be no typos! I hope you enjoy, and it might be useful for you to read the other chapters again! Not saying anything else!! But I hope you enjoyed this, and happy new year!

~Ana/Red 💜

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