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The Storybrooke Library

Emma crept into the closed library that night, ready to spend a whole week trying to find information about her stony curse and where her daughter may have gone. "Emma?" Regina asked, coming from behind a bookcase. "Hey, Regina." Emma responded. "What are you doing here so late?" Regina asked with a yawn, coming to sit next to Emma. "Uhm, just researching where Hope and Violet-Marie could have gone." she responded, trying to hide one of the books she was reading. Regina grabbed the book before Emma could hide it. "You're reading up on how to break the spell?" Regina asked, looking at the title. Emma sighed. "Yeah, I don't want to leave Killian, and if Hope ever comes back, I want her to have her mother." Regina put her hand on Emma's arm. "Have faith, Emma, Hope will come back and we will break your curse." Emma smiled at Regina, gratefully.

The Code Room

Violet-Marie paced around the room, reading the binary code. Hope was sitting on the ground cross-legged, trying to get her magic to work. "Can you read binary code?" Hope asked, looking up. "Yeah." Violet-Marie replied. "You'd be surprised with how much I can do." she said, turning and grinning at Hope. "Okay, well, I can't find anything in here that tells us how the heck to get out of here." Hope laughed. "What's so funny?" Violet-Marie snapped. "My crazy ex-boss trapped us inside a phone, with MAGIC of all things and WE. CAN'T. GET. OUT." she yelled, flailing her hands around. Hope shook her head. "It's funny because it's ironic! We tried to stay far away from each other, but now we are stuck here together!" Violet-Marie laughed lightly and came to sit down next to Hope. "Yeah, I guess it is pretty funny." Hope nodded. "So, what if we combine our skills to create a way out of here?" Hope asked. Violet-Marie was confused. "I don't have any skills," she said. Hope smiled. "Of course you have skills! You already know everything about this new person, Screenslaver, whatever." Violet-Marie laid down on her back and nodded. "Yeah, your right." "Do you know any of her weaknesses?" "Uhm, no I don't think so. I can't believe I'm saying this, but don't you have magic? Can't you like, summon water or something? This is a tech world, and tech can't get wet, so wouldn't that work?" Hope nodded. "If I could get my magic to work, yes. But it's not working." Violet-Marie sighed and sat up. "Well, I still can't believe I'm saying this, but I believe in you." Hope looked at her. "Well, I guess I'll try again." She stood up and walked to the center of the room. She brought her hands up in an uncanny resemblance to her mother, and closed her eyes. Violet-Marie walked up behind her and placed her hand on Hope's shoulder. Then, Hope's hands began to light up. Hope opened her eyes in surprise. "It works!" she looked over her shoulder. "Thanks, Vi!" she said. Violet-Marie smirked. "One, never call me Vi, no nicknames, ever. Seriously, never do that again. Two, your welcome, I think." 


After a bunch of time spent in the librrary, Emma walked home. When she arrived at the door, she noticed that she couldn't lift her other arm from her shoulder down to her elbow. Emma sighed and opened the door as quietly as she could. She walked inside and tiptoed up the stairs to her and Killian's room. When she got inside, Killian was sitting up in bed. "Hello, love." he said. Emma sighed and closed the door behind her, leaning against it. "Hey, Killian." she said, softly. Killian looked at her with sad, but determined eyes. The, he said the four words that she had been dreading, but knew were coming. "We need to talk."

Hello starlings!! (Do you like that? I mean, my name is Andromeda and that's the name of a Greek princess, but she's a constellation now, so, it kinda fits) Anyway, I'M BAAAAAAAAAACK!! Sorry I've been away for so long! I have an explanation that will be going up in a bit! Oh and two questions (besides the "starlings" one, which if you could answer would be great), who's actually reading this? Putting something like "me!" in the comments would be enough, I'm just curious! Second question, what do you think about Violet-Marie, Sera, and Micah? Don't worry, they have a bigger purpose coming, it's just going a lil' slow, and I'm kinda dragging it out, but I'm wondering. What's your thoughts? Thanks as always!!

~Ana/Red 💜

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