Code Room

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Before I begin. 

Uhm, well, do you recall last chapter? Welllllllllllll did I kinda forget that Emma can't feel and move her arm? Yes. Indeed I did. Oops. Did also mention that I totally forgot that they have a 3 day timeline? Yup, I did...oops again. 

Well, onto the chapter!!

The Swan-Jones House

Emma looked into the mirror in her and Killian's room. A few hours ago, she lost contact with her arm. Now, she was starting to not be able to feel her other arm and bits of her neck. What am I going to tell Killian? she wondered. "Emma?!" Killian called. "Yeah?!" she called back. "You alright?" he said, coming up the stairs. "Yeah! I'm fine!" Emma said, quickly covering up again. "Let's go see how Zelena is doing." The two of them walked down the stairs to see Regina fussing over Zelena. "Honestly, I'm fine!" she said. Emma stifled a laugh as she walked into the living room. "Hey Regina, hey Zelena." she said. "Hey there." Regina said. "How are you doing?" Regina asked, nodding at Emma, discreetly. "I'm fine." Emma said. Regina didn't believe her. She noticed that Emma wasn't wearing her trademark leather jacket, but rather a turtleneck sweater. Emma noticed, but shrugged it off. "Now, if we can stop playing nurse for three minutes, can we please find my daughter and the second savior?" she asked Regina. "Second savior?" Regina asked, raising her eyebrow. "Yeah, I'm the first savior of Storybrooke, Violet-Marie is the second. Or would Aladdin be the second, hm, I don't know. But yeah, she's going to break the curse, so she's the second savior." Zelena stood up and came to stand next to Regina. "We can argue about names later, but let's find those girls. 

The Code Room

Violet-Marie and Hope landed with a thud in a pitch black room. Hope stood up with a groan and looked around. "Violet-Marie!" she yelled, running over to the motionless girl. Hope grabbed her shoulders and shook her awake. Violet-Marie awoke with a groan. "Where are we?" she asked. "I don't know." Hope replied. Suddenly, a green light began to shine around the room. The green light went onto the walls, ceiling, and floor, forming strings upon strings of zeros and ones. Violet-Marie approached one of the walls and touched a bit of the code. "This looks like binary code." she said. "Very good, little one." a voice saaid behind them. A figure in all black wearing a full face covering and green goggles. "Who are you?!" Hope asked, raising her hands, ready to defend themselves. "Oh put those hands down, child!" the figure said. "You're magic won't work here!" Hope lowered her hands, scowling. Violet-Marie moved to stand next to Hope. "Evelyn, where is this place. How the heck did you bring us here?" Evelyn laughed, pulling off her mask. "Well, child, it was really simple. I'm from a land with magic, but I lost it when I went to New York. Now that I followed you back here, I have my tech and my magic back. And this," she gestured around the room, walking in a circle. "is the Code Room! My great masterpiece! And you two," she gestured to the two girls, "are never leaving." With that she vanished. The two girls looked at each other. "What. The. Heck. Are we going to do?" Violet-Marie said turning back to Hope. Hope looked back at her with wide eyes. "I have no idea, but I sure hope my family can get us out, otherwise, we're doomed." The two looked around the room, awaiting their fate. 


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BOOM. CHAPTER DONE. *drops mic* 
Okay, so yeah, did I spend a lot of my time writing, indeed I did. Oops. ANYWHO I hope you enjoyed the chapter! And I know that Evelyn never really wore the Screenslaver costume, but whatever. It's fine. Let's just pretend she did :P ^^ the picture is what the Screenslaver looks like for those you don't know :) Anyway! See you all later!

~Ana/Red <3

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