Chapter 4

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        "When the Tanuki clan was first founded, Yōsei Tanuki, the first leader of the clan,"  Mom informs me, "founded the Hidden Cave Village.  Shortly after, she began having visions of future events.  She was able to help prepare the village for all those visions, however, they all came true, no matter what she did to prepare everyone."

        Generations Ago --- 3rd Person        

        Yōsei Tanuki stared around at the battlefield where so many had lost their lives.  She was relieved to know that the horrible vision was over and that they would no longer have to deal with any war.  The Hidden Cave Village in the Land of Caves and Valleys prospered just as her visions showed.  Shortly after, she gave birth to her twins --- one boy and one girl.  She named the girl Hinode as she was born right as dawn began.  She named the boy Nichibotsu.  For no other reason than she wanted a little girl named after the dawn and a little boy named after the sunset.

        She taught her children everything she knew and soon they became a formidable force.  However, when it was time for Yōsei to pass on her tight of Head of Clan and Dōkutsukage, she left it to the older of the two twins --- Hinode.  Hinode, like her mother, started having visions around eleven and unlocked her Anaguma shortly after her first four visions.  All four visions were extremely vague, only showing blurred faces and vivid backgrounds.  However, as the visions began to come closer to coming true, she was able to depict everything much better.

        She too, made sure the village was prepared for all of her visions, some of which she was able to prevent by simply choosing a different course of action than her mother.  This went on for six more generations.  A pattern that occured from the firstborn daughters began to emerge.  At first, every firstborn daughter had the visions, then only once every five generations, and then for ten generations no one had visions, until the eleventh generation of firstborn daughters was born.

        She was named after Hinode, the second strongest Leader of the Clan.  Her visions were mostly prevented, until the last one.  The last one was of her daughter and son getting into a huge argument and trying to kill one-another.  She couldn't prevent it no matter how hard she tried.  Eventually, her son left the village after he barely managed to escape the fight with his twin sister.  He had been wanting his twin's power and status for years.  Hinode's daughter was barely injured, but would have a scar over her left eye, a scar on her left arm, and a deep, long scar along her left leg.

        Ten generations later, another girl was born vision capabilities.  She was named after her 7xgreat-grandmother --- Amai.  Her visions couldn't be detered from.  There was a war with the rest of the Great Nations, then a civil war that was caused by Hinode's son's 7xgreat-grandson.  This caused the Land of Caves and Valleys, as it was known, to split into the Land of Caves and Land of Valleys.  When Amai had her firstborn daughter, at the age of eleven, she sent her daughter, and her son, to the Hidden Leaf to attend the Academy there.

        While there, Amai's daughter --- Ninfu ("who I was named after") met a boy of the Nara Clan.  The two became friends and this began a cycle of never-ending heartbreak for the firstborn daughters of the Tanuki Clan.  For the next fourteen generations, no one was born with vision powers.  Most likely due to all the hurt the firstborn daughters felt as they watched the first person they ever loved --- all of whom were of the Nara Clan --- fall for someone else and marry them.  Four generations before the current generation, a girl named after the strongest Head of Tanuki Clan --- Yōsei --- swore in her next life that she would not let the Nara she falls in love with slip through her fingers again.

        "It's said that the Yōsei Tanuki before you, my dear, had vision powers," Mom begins to conclude her story.  "However, no one knows for sure as she never talked about it.  As far as we know for sure, you're the first firstborn daughter of the Main Branch to have vision powers in fifteen generations."

        "I see," I nod my head.  We arrive at the hidden entrance to the village and I turn to look at Mom before stepping through the moss curtain into the snowy terrain.  "Any advice for me?"

        "Stay away from anyone from the Nara Clan," Mom informs me, a solemn look in her eyes.  "And remember to practice your Anaguma, they are very powerful as you have the Yogen-sha Jutsu."

        "Will do," I nod my head.  "Love you, Mom."

        "Thanks for telling us all about our history, Aunt Ninfu!"  Moya smiles.  Mom waves at us and we wave back before stepping through the moss curtain.  Bitter cold wind greets Moya and I as soon as we exit.  My teal hair begins to whip around as Moya and I begin our journey to the Hidden Leaf.

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