Chapter 14

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I exit the bathroom and notice Moya is cooking us a delicious breakfast.  I sit down at the table and thank her.  "It's not a problem!" Moya answers, sitting across from me.  "You look exhausted.  Did you get any sleep last night?"

"No," I admit, shaking my head.  "I closed my eyes right as you burst into my room this morning."  Moya frowns and apologizes.  "You don't have anything to apologize for.  Come on, let's finish our breakfast and get going.  We don't want to be late."  Moya nods her head and the two of us finish our breakfast.

We leave the apartment after putting on our shoes and make our way towards the training grounds where Aiiro-Sensei is having us meet her.  When we arrive, we notice that Kumo is sitting on top of one of the targets, his legs crossed.  "Morning, girls!" he greets us, waving his hand.

"Morning, Kumo!" Moya exclaims, waving back.  I wave back and I notice Aiiro-Sensei standing in the shadows of the trees.  A Kunai is thrown towards Moya and I deflect it with one of my fans.  I open the fan and blow a gust of wind at Aiiro-Sensei.

"Looks like someone's ready," she smirks.  "Alright, in order to pass, you three need to be able to take me down.  Time to begin." She smirks once more and disappears into the wind.

"We need to find some cover and discuss a strategy," Moya states.

"Moya's right," I nod my head.  "We're sitting ducks here in the open." Kumo nods his head and the three of us head into the trees and bushes for some cover.  We crouch low and whisper quietly so that Aiiro-Sensei wouldn't be able to hear us.

"We need a way to contact each other without talking," I whisper softly.  "A sure-proof way that no one can intersect."

"Right," Kumo nods his head.  "I could figure out a way for us to do that.  Here, give me your wrists.  Mom taught me a symbol that will allow us to communicate through our minds."

"Like telecommunication?"  I inquire, thinking.

"Exactly," Kumo whispers in response.  "Here, give me your wrist."  I extend my right wrist and he pulls out a thin paintbrush.  He bites his thumb to draw blood and dips the brush into the blood.  "Komyunikēshon."  He mumbles the word before drawing something onto my wrist.  It's a simple drawing that my skin absorbs, leaving a tattoo of it on my wrist.  He does the same thing to Moya's wrist and then does it to his own.

  He does the same thing to Moya's wrist and then does it to his own

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"Woah!" Moya whispers.  "I didn't know you were ambidextrous!"

"I am," Kumo nods his head.  "It's a trait everyone in my clan has.  It's so that we don't mess up our runes as they have to be extremely precise in order to work."  Moya and I nod our heads.  "All we have to do is press the rune lightly and we will be able to communicate through our brains."

I press the rune lightly and attempt to try out this new communication method.  "Hello?"  I think.  "Can you guys hear me?"

"Loud and clear, Cousin!"  Moya answers.  I hear her voice but don't see her lips moving.  "This works great, Kumo!"

"I'm glad!"  Kumo responds.  "Alright, what should we do for a plan?"

"Well, one of us can distract Aiiro-Sensei,"  I suggest, using the telecommunication.  "Then, Moya and I can activate our Anaguma, which will protect us from Aiiro-Sensei's Genjutsu.  Moya could use a jutsu to summon crystals and create a boundary around Aiiro-Sensei, leaving her defenseless.  Kumo, that's when you'll head in and draw a rune to reduce her Chakra for a little while.  That should be all we need to do to take down Aiiro-Sensei."

"But,"  Moya protests, furrowing her brow, "you won't be able to do much."

"I know,"  I nod my head.  "However, I think it's best that way.  I haven't been able to get a good night's sleep for a day or two.  I'd be too exhausted to do anything too extreme."

"Hmm,"  Kumo nods.  "I could probably give you a food pill.  That should give you an excellent amount of energy for this."  Kumo pulls out a food pill and hands it to me.  I take it and pop it into my mouth, feeling my energy restore itself.

"Alright,"  I think.  "I could possibly wear Aiiro-Sensei down with Taijutsu.  And I should be able to summon some badgers to help us out.  What about you, Moya?  Up for a summoning?"

"Hell yeah!"  Moya exclaims inside our heads.  I chuckle softly and shake my head.

"Alright, I'll be the distraction, making sure to activate my Anaguma before fighting with Sensei,"  I inform Kumo and Moya, who both nod their heads.  The three of us scatter into the trees.  I look around for Aiiro-Sensei, activating my Anaguma to see if I can lock onto her position.  You see, the Anaguma can sense body heat and Chakra.

I find Sensei rather quickly.  It's almost as if she wants us to find her, I think to myself.  Oh well, this will be fun.  I bite my right thumb and press it onto the ground of the forest before entering the clearing Aiiro-Sensei is in.  Summon!  All of my favorite badger summonses appear around me.

"Princess!" Ai greets me, talking softer than she normally does.

"What can we help you with?" Amai, Ai's twin sister, inquires, talking softly as well.

"We're at your service, M'Lady," Shurui states, standing up on her hind legs and bowing along with her three sisters.

"How may we assist you, Princess Yōsei?" Yume inquires, landing back onto her four paws, tilting her head.

"You girls are going to help me and my teammates take down our Sensei," I inform the four badgers.  I softly whisper the plan to them, making sure to include the part where I distract Aiiro-Sensei while Ai, Amai, Shurui, and Yume dig huge tunnels beneath the ground for Kumo and Moya to travel through so that they are unnoticeable.  "Remember to converge them around the center of the field, where I will hopefully, have Aiiro-Sensei trapped until Moya can create a barrier of crystal to encase her in, only allowing anything above the neck to be free, this way Kumo can use a rune to deplete her Chakra for a short period of time."  All four badgers nod their heads and begin to dig underground.

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