Ex: Mission Control.

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Chapter Twelve: Mission Control.
Series: Three.
Episode: Extras: Post - The Lazarus Experiment.

"Right! Where should we go today? What's the plan, Martha Jones?" The Doctor asked exuberantly as he ran around the console.

"Me?" Martha asked in surprise. "I get to choose?"

Rose smiled encouragingly over at Martha.

"Beginner's choice."

"So all of time and space where do you want to start?"

Martha seemed to flounder for a moment. It was no easy feat to choose one place and one moment in all of universal history, especially when one lacked the knowledge of all of space. And her mind was stuck on just one place. But it was hardly exciting.

"The moon landing?"

"The moon landing?" The Doctor said incredulously. "We went to the moon, and you want to see someone else land on the moon on a shaky, low-quality camera?"

"I know we did! Which is why I thought of it. And that human colony we saw on New Earth, human exploration, it all starts at that moment in history. Come on that's got to be worth a look."

A grin stretched across the Doctor's lips.

"Couldn't have put it better myself." Launching into action, he began his dance around the console. "NASA headquarters, Washington, D.C, 20th July 1969."

They landed with the usual rattling thump that threatened to sweep their legs out from underneath them. The Doctor was the first to recover bounding towards the door seconds after they land, the shakes not having yet subsided. Rose recovered second, dusting herself off and reaching out a hand to help Martha up too.

She let the young doctor take the lead. This is her trip after all. She can barely hold back a grin as Martha hesitantly makes her way to the door. She felt like a proud mother seeing her child off to school and what an odd feeling that is.

Martha pulled open the door and stepped out after the Doctor, her mouth dropped open in awe as her gaze roved over the control room of Apollo Eleven. She distantly recognised the sound of Rose shutting the TARDIS doors behind her but thought little of it as she was captivated by the banks of controls and the screens that take up an entire wall.

She vaguely remembered when they were little that her brother Leo had briefly wanted to be an astronaut, no doubt he would have loved to see all of this.

Pulled from her thoughts by the cacophony of voices that filled the space as they prepared for a historical moment in time. One voice became more prominent than the rest, as a harried-looking man in glasses found his way in front of them.

"Who the hell are you? You don't have authori-"

"Special orders." The Doctor interrupted flashing the psychic paper.

The man seemed to pale a little as he gulped.

"Of course, apologies sir. As you were." He said before darting away from the trio in seeming embarrassment.

"What did you tell him? He couldn't seem to get away fast enough." Martha asked curiously, watching after the man.

The Doctor showed them the psychic paper.

"Special orders on request of President Nixon to personally oversee the landing of Apollo 11?" Martha read out loud.

"Which ones, Nixon?" Rose asked absentmindedly.

"Watergate." The Doctor sniffed in contempt.

"Ah, that one."

Rose's American political history was sketchy at best. She'd once been assigned America during the 20's to 30's as her coursework project at school, but that had been years ago. She'd hated learning about the political aspect necessary for the coursework and as such had never devoted additional time to learning about the other American presidents and what they were known for. They didn't spend much time in America as it were anyway.

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