Here Comes the Sun.

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Chapter Fourteen: Here Comes the Sun.
Series: Three.
Episode: 42.
Part: Two.

She finally made it to engineering to find Korwin trapped under a vent screaming.

"What are you doing?" McDonnell shouted at Scannell, who Rose could just about make out was turning some kind of valve through the fog.

"Freezing him. Ice vents."

"You'll kill him!"

"It's not Korwin anymore, McDonnell." Rose tried to reason, though it lacked conviction when she was desperately trying to ignore the fact that another person's screams were ringing in her ear for the third time that day.

"He recognised me!"

"He killed Abi. Korwin wouldn't have done that." Erina reasoned.

Rose hesitated for a moment, both equally valid points and she really didn't want to see another person dead, but it didn't matter. A moment later a frosted Korwin dropped to the floor unmoving.

"McDonnell? Ashton's heading in your direction. He's been infected, just like Korwin!" The Doctor informed them over the intercom.

"Korwin's dead, Doctor," Scannell told him, from where the four of them were kneeling besides Korwin's body.

She couldn't save him, he was already gone, there was nothing she could do. It didn't really matter what excuses she gave. Another person was dead. She hadn't tried to save Ashton either. Now Martha and Riley very well might join that list before the day's end.

No TARDIS, no time, no engine and a whole bunch of bodies. How the hell were they going to get out of this one?


"Impact in seventeen oh five."

McDonnell was kneeling beside the prone form of her husband.

Rose pushed down the wave of guilt that threatened to consume her at the sight. There was nothing they could have done, right? Korwin had already infected Ashton, killed Abi and tried to kill Erina. He was lost already, they'd just stopped any further damage he may have done, right?

But no matter what she told herself she couldn't assuage her guilt. She had done this. By not saving him she had just as well killed him.

"What did he mean, your fault?" Erina asked in a soft voice, similarly moved by her captain's grief and not wanting to do anything to disturb the delicate moment.

McDonnell didn't answer, maybe she didn't have an answer, stuck as she was in a grief-induced trance.

"What are you doing? Don't touch him. He's infected. We don't know how it spreads." Scannell swiped her hand away when McDonnell reached for her husband.

Scannell's interruption snapped her out of her trance. She glared furiously at him, snatching her hand back from him as if he'd burnt her.

"You murdered him!" McDonnell snapped at him, disgust lacing her words.

"He was about to kill you." Scannell tried to reason with her, guilt and grief not far from his own gaze.

"He recognised me." She rebutted.

"You heard the Doctor. It- it isn't Korwin anymore." He stumbled, eyes downcast lacking the conviction he was trying to project.

"The Doctor doesn't know. None of us knows!"

"McDonnell the Doctor would have done anything to save your husband if there was still a chance. He's dealt with things like this before." Rose tried to reassure her as she crouched next to her she laid a hand on McDonnell's shoulder.

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