Race Against the Clock.

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"Underlined dialogue." = Computer announcements

Chapter Thirteen: Race Against the Clock.
Series: Three.
Episode: 42.
Part: One.

They were gathered in the console room ready for another day of adventures. The Doctor was currently performing his usual jiggery-pokery on Martha's phone with his sonic after a pointed reminder from Rose when Martha had mentioned that she missed her mum.

"Right, there we go. Universal roaming. Never have to worry about signal again." The Doctor exclaimed, tossing Martha back her phone with a flourish.

Martha caught the phone in mid-air, face suspended in shock at the Doctor's claim. Rose grinned. It did sound too good to be true, impossible even, they were in a time machine for god's sake! And yet...

"No way. This is too mad. You're telling me I can phone anyone, anywhere in space and time on my mobile?" Martha questioned, staring at her phone in disbelief.

"As long as you know the area code," The Doctor told Martha, "Frequent flier's privilege. Go on, try it."

Martha grinned at the mention of being a frequent flier, it made Rose giddy to think about too. Though she couldn't help remember how they'd intended to leave Martha behind after being kidnapped and before everything kicked off with Lazarus. They'd almost taken all this from her.

The TARDIS suddenly juddered, sending her occupants to their knees as they scrambled to find a handhold at the abrupt turbulence. The Doctor pulled the monitor around to read out the display at it's insistent beeping. Recognising the sound from previous distress calls, Rose hunkered down for the inevitable tossing as the Doctor put his shoes on the console in order to stay grounded while he flew the ship.

"Distress signal. Locking on. Might be a bit of-" The Doctor was thrown to the floor before he could finish his warning, Martha joining him. "Turbulence. Sorry. Come on. Let's take a look."

The Doctor was already at the door when he called for the two girls who were still brushing themselves down.

"You'd think there'd be less turbulence when we actually know where we're going," Martha muttered.

Rose rolled her eyes.

"You'd think! But something about using the signal to pull the TARDIS through knocks the navigation system partially offline giving him less control." Rose told her with a dismissive wave as she repeated the excuse the Doctor had given her a million times as if she didn't believe him. Which was fair considering the Doctor was generally not a great driver. "Let's go before he wanders off and takes all the fun."

From outside the TARDIS doors, they heard, "Distress signal transmitted." From an automated voice.

"Whoa, now that is hot." They heard the Doctor comment to himself from outside.

Martha grinned at Rose and raced out the door, she ducked back in moments later to toss her stripped off cardigan over the railing. Noting this, Rose shed the t-shirt she was wearing leaving her in a plain vest and ditching the proffered jacket at the door. She pulled her hair into a quick bun as she joined them outside of the TARDIS.

"Automated distress signal transmitted." The computer repeated.

"Whuff, it's like a sauna in here," Martha complained.

"Remind me not to complain about the cold the next time we get stranded in the snow after this." Rose chimed in agreement with Martha.

It had only been four days ago that they'd got lost on the way back from the capitol on Denoor when it had started snowing. The two women had been left shuddering in only their thin jackets, glaring at the Timelord who'd seemed unaffected and unable to locate their destination amongst the flurry of white.

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