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Chapter One: Lost.
Series: Two.
Episode: Thirteen - Doomsday.

Stubborn. Stubborn was one word that could definitely describe Rose Tyler. As much as it hurt to send her away, it was what he did running from his problems rather than facing them. He should have known that not even a parallel universe would stop the Tyler woman, considering she had ripped open the TARDIS and almost died trying to save him last time he had sent her away. But after all this time, he hoped Rose would listen to him. He should have known better.

He hadn't meant to snap at her when she reappeared second after he had sent her away to safety. Where she could live a normal human life like she deserved. He had let his frustration and fear at losing her due to her own stubbornness course through him, causing him to snap at her. Why did she have to be so brave? Why couldn't she be like every other fear riddled human who was quick to follow instructions, in order to save themselves? Why did she have to be so jeopardly friendly?

Because despite what he'd told Rose, the Beast's words had lingered in his ear, echoed in his mind and festered doubts and fears.

'The Valiant child who will die in battle so very soon.'

And a glimpse at the timelines left him feeling certain that this was the battle the Beast had foretold. There was an infinitely small chance that either would survive today, Rose's chances being much fewer than his own. Of the many sprawling timelines that surrounded her, the majority would abruptly end today. And after everything they'd been through he couldn't, no, wouldn't let that happen, after all this regeneration was exceedingly more stubborn when it came to his blonde companion. Though in his hearts he knew she was so much more than just a companion and had been for some time.

Despite everything in him telling him not to he wanted to believe her. She had ripped open his TARDIS to save him, she had stuck by him after regeneration and meeting Sarah Jane - he was still confused what had caused them to burst out laughing-, she had promised him forever and she had jumped back across the dimension leaving behind her mother to come back to him.

He shook himself free of his thoughts and stopped pacing the room. When had he started doing that? He walked over to one of the desks and began typing away. He couldn't think about that right now. He had to focus on the Daleks and Cybermen. They were the problem right now. He heard Rose speak up from the other side of the room.

"We've got Cybermen on the way up."

"How many floors down?" He replied rushing over to her station

"Just one." She said as he looked at her screen over shoulder before dashing off to solve the problem, while Rose continued to type away, her declaration having left her unsure of where they stood.

Once the Doctor had returned they continued to prepare to go into ghost shift as they typed away on the computers, the process made just that bit longer by the lack of staff that Torchwood had at their disposal. This lead to the Doctor, occasionally dashing off to a different work station, to accomadate for the lack of extra hands. Finally, all preparation had been made - well almost - the Doctor dashed into the office, fully aware that Rose was following, as he clicked a couple of things on the main computer before a smile bloomed on his face.

"That's more like it a bit of a smile." He heard Rose say from behind him, he looked up facing her for the first time since he'd snapped at her and then sent her off to deal with the computers. "The old team." she continued.

"Hope and Glory. Mutt and Jeff." He said playing along trying to regain some of his false cheer from earlier, he picked up one of the magnaclamps. "Shiver and Shake." He finished standing right in front of her.

Golden Girl. (On Going) [Doctor Who Fanfiction] {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now